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high-cost enterprise

  • 1 предприятие с высокими производственными затратами

    high-cost enterprise

    4000 полезных слов и выражений > предприятие с высокими производственными затратами

  • 2 фирма с высокими издержками

    Бизнес, юриспруденция. Русско-английский словарь > фирма с высокими издержками

  • 3 предприятие с высокими издержками производства

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > предприятие с высокими издержками производства

  • 4 предприятие с высокими производственными затратами

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > предприятие с высокими производственными затратами

  • 5 хозяйство с высокими издержками производства

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > хозяйство с высокими издержками производства

  • 6 kapitalintensives Unternehmen

    kapitalintensives Unternehmen
    capital-oriented business, high-cost enterprise

    Business german-english dictionary > kapitalintensives Unternehmen

  • 7 Betrieb

    Betrieb m 1. COMP mode; 2. GEN concern, business, workplace, operation (Firma); 3. IND factory, works (Fabrik); operation (von Maschine); 4. PERS place of work, establishment, workplace (Arbeitsstelle) außer Betrieb GEN out of order, out of action außer Betrieb sein WIWI be down außer Betrieb setzen GEN put out of action Betrieb gründen GEN set up a business, start a (new) business, set up a new business, (infrml) set up shop im Betrieb IND, PERS on the shop floor im Betrieb sein GEN be at work in Betrieb COMP, IND busy (Maschine) in Betrieb gehen IND go into operation, come on stream in Betrieb nehmen IND start up in Betrieb sein IND be on stream, be in operation in Betrieb setzen IND activate viel Betrieb haben GEN be very busy
    * * *
    m 1. < Comp> mode; 2. < Geschäft> Firma concern, business, workplace, operation; 3. < Ind> Fabrik factory, works, von Maschine operation; 4. < Person> Arbeitsstelle place of work, establishment, workplace ■ außer Betrieb < Geschäft> out of order, out of action ■ außer Betrieb sein <Vw> be down ■ im Betrieb <Ind, Person> on the shop floor ■ im Betrieb sein < Geschäft> be at work ■ in Betrieb <Comp, Ind> Maschine busy ■ in Betrieb gehen < Ind> go into operation, come on stream ■ in Betrieb nehmen < Ind> start up ■ in Betrieb sein < Ind> be on stream, be in operation ■ in Betrieb setzen < Ind> activate
    * * *
    (Arbeitsgang) service, (Betreiben) working, running, operating, operation (US), (Betriebsanlage) factory, [manufacturing] plant, works, mill (Br.), (Geschäftsführung) management, (Herstellungsgang) manufacture, (Transport) service, (Unternehmen) firm, business [enterprise], commercial undertaking (establishment), [industrial] concern, company, corporation, (Werkstatt) workshop, shop (Br.);
    außer Betrieb standing idle, out [of commission], (Bahn) out of service (action), (el.) off, (Fahrstuhl) not working, out of order, (Hotel) not opening, (Maschine) out of blast (gear), idle, not operating, (nicht in Ordnung) out of order, disabled, not working, defunct;
    für mehrere Betriebe arbeitend consolidated (US);
    im Betrieb on the shop-floor;
    nicht im Betrieb inoperative, non-operating, (Fabrik) standing;
    im Betrieb stehen gelassen (Gewinn) retained in business;
    in Betrieb operating, operative, in operation, in blast, at work, working, going, running;
    in vollem Betrieb in full working order, in operation (action), going at full blast;
    arbeitender Betrieb going business (concern), operating property (US);
    billig arbeitender Betrieb low-cost plant;
    kostendeckend arbeitender Betrieb break-even company;
    für den Staat arbeitender Betrieb government client;
    bestreikter Betrieb struck shop;
    dezentralisierter Betrieb departmentalized business (factory) (US);
    durcharbeitender Betrieb all-night service, (ganze Woche) seven-day operation;
    durchgehender Betrieb continuous process, continuity of operations;
    Ein-Mann-Betrieb one-man business;
    einschichtiger Betrieb single-shift operation;
    einträglicher Betrieb profitable enterprise;
    an der Baustelle errichteter Betrieb on-site factory;
    erstklassiger Betrieb top plant;
    fahrplanmäßiger Betrieb scheduled operation (US);
    familienfreundlicher Betrieb family-friendly company;
    Fisch verarbeitender Betrieb fish-processing plant;
    forstwirtschaftlicher Betrieb forestry industry (company);
    an Preisabsprachen nicht gebundener Betrieb outsider;
    gefährlicher Betrieb dangerous premises;
    wissenschaftlich geführter Betrieb scientific management;
    gut gehender Betrieb prosperous enterprise;
    gemeinnütziger Betrieb non-profit enterprise, public service company (Br.) (corporation, US);
    gemeinsamer Betrieb joint working;
    genossenschaftlicher Betrieb cooperative enterprise;
    auf Gewinn gerichteter Betrieb profit-seeking enterprise;
    gesundheitsschädlicher Betrieb offensive trade;
    gewerbepolizeipflichtiger Betrieb trade subject to licence;
    gewerblicher Betrieb industrial enterprise, manufacturing establishment;
    gewerkschaftspflichtiger Betrieb closed (union) shop, agency shop (Br.);
    staatlich genehmigter gewerkschaftspflichtiger Betrieb approved closed shop (Br.);
    grafischer Betrieb commercial art company, printing establishment;
    halbautomatischer Betrieb semi-automatic working;
    handwerklicher Betrieb handicraft;
    industrieller Betrieb industrial enterprise;
    kapitalintensiver Betrieb high-cost plant;
    kriegswichtiger Betrieb essential industry;
    landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb agricultural enterprise (undertaking), ranch, farm;
    nicht landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb non-agricultural enterprise (establishment);
    laufender Betrieb going concern, current operation;
    auf Hochturen laufender Betrieb drive;
    reibungslos laufender Betrieb smooth-running entity;
    lebenswichtige Betrieb key industries, (Versorgung) public utilities;
    lebhafter Betrieb brisk state of trade;
    Milch verarbeitender Betrieb milk-processing enterprise;
    mittelgroßer (mittlerer) Betrieb medium-sized enterprise (business, US), small business (US);
    öffentlicher Betrieb public enterprise;
    ökologischer Betrieb organic farm;
    produzierender Betrieb production unit;
    rentabler (rentierlicher) Betrieb profitable enterprise (business), economic operation;
    sparsamer Betrieb economical operation;
    staatlicher (staatseigener) Betrieb state-owned enterprise (US);
    staatlich subventionierter Betrieb taxeater;
    im Gemeineigentum stehender Betrieb publicly-owned enterprise;
    stillgelegter Betrieb non-factory, mill out of work (Br.), nonoperating property (factory) (US);
    störungsfreier Betrieb uninterrupted operation;
    volkseigener Betrieb nationalized (Br.) (socialized) enterprise;
    rationell wirtschaftender Betrieb efficiently-run enterprise;
    wirtschaftlicher Betrieb economic operation;
    Betrieb mit Akkordsystem contract shop (US);
    Betrieb eines Berkwerkes exploitation of a mine;
    Betrieb einer Eisenbahnlinie operation of a railway (railroad, US) line;
    Betrieb mit übertariflicher Gehaltsskala high-paying outsider;
    Betrieb eines Geschäftes operation of a business;
    Betrieb an der Grenze der Rentabilität marginal producer (firm);
    Betrieb der öffentlichen Hand government (state) enterprise;
    Betrieb mit begrenzter Kapazität limited-capacity plant;
    Betrieb eines Ladengeschäfts shopkeeping;
    Betrieb mit geringem Lohnniveau low-wage unit;
    Betrieb mit betriebseigenen Programmierern (Computer) open shop;
    Betrieb eines Schiffes operation of a ship;
    Betrieb mit Staatsaufträgen government contractor;
    Betrieb eines Unternehmens working of a business;
    staatlicher Betrieb von Wirtschaftsunternehmen operation of business;
    Betrieb aufnehmen to begin working, to start running, (Geschäft) to open;
    Betrieb wieder aufnehmen to resume work (one’s activity);
    Betrieb ausdehnen to expand operations;
    Betrieb neu ausstatten to equip a shop with new tools;
    Betrieb zum Erfolg bringen to work up a business;
    ganzen Betrieb kostenmäßig durchforsten to cut costs throughout a company;
    Betrieb einstellen to stop a factory (business), to cease (suspend) operations (working), to shut down, (Bahn) to close a line;
    Betrieb vorübergehend einstellen to close down temporarily;
    Betrieb eröffnen to commence business;
    Betrieb eingestellt haben to have ceased running;
    in Betrieb halten to keep running (working);
    Betrieb aus den roten Zahlen herausbringen to administer a company from red to black (US coll.);
    Betrieb installieren to equip a shop with tools;
    Betrieb anlaufen lassen to put in (go into) operation, to begin working;
    Betrieb Fett ansetzen lassen to beef up a plant (sl.);
    Fabrik in Betrieb setzen lassen to give orders for the work to be started;
    Betrieb leiten to manage a business, (Werk) to run a plant;
    in Betrieb nehmen to set going, to set (put) into operation, to operate;
    automatisch in Betrieb nehmen (el.) to press the button;
    Bus in Betrieb nehmen to put a bus on the road;
    Betrieb schließen to close down;
    Betrieb infolge von Sparsamkeitsmaßnahmen schließen to close its doors for reasons of economy;
    Betrieb vorübergehend schließen to close temporarily;
    außer Betrieb sein (Fabrik) to be out of operation, (Maschine) to run idle, (Rundfunkstation) to be off the air;
    billig im Betrieb sein (Auto) to be run at small cost;
    in Betrieb sein (Bahnlinie) to be in operation (running), (Fabrik) to work, to be in operation, (Maschine) to run, to be operating, to be worked, (Bus) to be on the road, (Rundfunkstation) to be on the air;
    durchgehend in Betrieb sein to run full time;
    das ganze Jahr in Betrieb sein (Auto) to be in commission all the year round;
    nicht in Betrieb sein to be out of work (at a standstill);
    ständig in Betrieb sein to run full time;
    in vollem Betrieb sein to be going at full blast;
    wieder in Betrieb sein (Hotel) to be running (working) again;
    aus dem Betrieb gezogen sein (Auto) to be of service;
    Anlage außer Betrieb setzen to discard an asset;
    Bahnlinie außer Betrieb setzen to close a line;
    in Betrieb setzen to put (set) into operation (action), to start [running (working)], to set to work, to prime;
    wieder in Betrieb setzen to reopen, to restart;
    Eisenbahnstrecke in Betrieb setzen to open a railway line;
    Betrieb stilllegen to close down;
    Betrieb völlig umkrempeln to turn around a company;
    auf elektrischen Betrieb umstellen (Bahn) to electrify;
    Betrieb völlig auf Produkte für den Wohnungs- und Straßenbau umstellen to aim a company at totally environmental products;
    seinen Betrieb vergrößern to enlarge one’s business;
    Betrieb verlagern (verlegen) to move a plant to another locality, to relocate a plant;
    Betrieb in Vorstadtgebiete verlagern to go suburban;
    Betrieb in stark verkleinertem Umfang weiterführen to operate on a drastically reduced scale;
    in Betrieb genommen werden to go into operation, (Bahnlinie, Straße) to be opened to traffic;
    aus dem Betrieb ziehen to take out of service;
    Flugzeug aus dem Betrieb ziehen to ground a plane;
    Bus aus dem Betrieb ziehen to take a bus off the road.
    durchforsten, Betrieb
    to weed the garden;
    Regierungsstelle zwecks Einsparungen gründlich durchforsten to comb out a government department.

    Business german-english dictionary > Betrieb

  • 8 todo

    1 all, the whole of, all of.
    Toda la mañana All morning. Perdió todo su dinero=He lost all his money.
    2 every, each.
    Todo carro que.. All car that....
    3 entire.
    everything, absolutely everything, all, all the lot.
    whole, unity, entirety.
    * * *
    3 (cada) every
    4 (igual) like, exactly like, the image of
    1 (sin excluir nada) all, everything
    2 (cualquiera) anybody
    1 (totalidad) whole
    2 (en charadas) all, whole
    1 completely, totally, all
    así y todo in spite of everything
    a todo esto (por cierto) by the way 2 (mientras) in the meantime
    con todo in spite of everything
    de todas formas / después de todo anyway, after all
    del todo completely, entirely
    eso es todo that's all, that's it
    estar en todo to be really with it, know what's going on
    fue todo uno familiar it all happened at once
    hay de todo there are all sorts
    por todo,-a all over
    ser todo uno familiar to be all the same thing
    todo el mundo everybody
    todo lo contrario quite the opposite, quite the contrary
    todo lo más at the most
    todo quisque / todo Dios familiar every Tom, Dick and Harry
    todos y cada uno each and everyone
    1 (totalidad) whole
    2 (en charadas) all, whole
    1 completely, totally, all
    * * *
    1. noun m. 2. (f. - toda)
    all, everything
    - todas 3. adv.
    wholly, entirely
    4. (f. - toda)
    1) every, each
    2) all, whole, entire
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) [en singular] (=en su totalidad) all

    todo lo que usted necesiteeverything o whatever you need

    con todo lo listo que es, no es capaz de resolver esto — clever as he is o for all his intelligence, he can't solve this problem

    todo lo demásall the rest

    a o con toda prisa — in all haste, with all speed

    a toda velocidadat full speed

    a todo esto, la orquesta siguió tocando — meanwhile, the band kept on playing

    a todo esto, ¿os apetece ir al cine? — by the way, would you like to go to the cinema?

    a todo esto, no nos olvidemos de llamarla — while we're on the subject, we mustn't forget to phone her

    cuanto, mundo
    2) [en plural]
    a) [en un conjunto] all
    b) (=cada) every
    forma 2)
    3) [con valor enfático]

    es todo un hombre — he's every inch a man, he's a real man

    más 1., 2), d)
    4) (=del todo)
    2. PRON
    1) [en singular]

    lo han vendido todo — they've sold the lot, they've sold it all

    todo el que quiera... — everyone o anyone who wants to...

    todo a cien pound store, dollar store (EEUU), shop selling everyday items at low prices

    2) [en plural] (=cosas) all (of them); (=personas) everybody, everyone

    todos estaban de acuerdoeverybody o everyone agreed

    todos los que quieran venir — all those who want to come, anyone who wants to come

    3) [locuciones con preposición]

    ir a todo — to be prepared to do or die

    ante todo — first of all, in the first place

    con todo, con todo y — in spite of

    el coche, con todo y ser nuevo... — the car, in spite of being new..., despite the fact that the car was new...

    con todo (y con eso) — still, nevertheless

    con todo y con eso llegamos una hora tarde — we still arrived an hour late, nevertheless we arrived an hour late

    de todo, lo llamaron de todo — they called him every name under the sun

    nos pasó de todo — everything possible happened to us, you name it, it happened to us

    del todo — wholly, entirely

    después de todo — after all

    de todas todas —

    ¡te digo que sí de todas todas! — I tell you it jolly well is!

    botica 1), pesar 4., 3), sobre II, 9)

    como o en un todo — as a whole

    jugar 3. TODO ► Para traducir el adjetivo todo con el sentido de en su totalidad se usa all, seguido del sustantivo en singular y sin determinante: Se pasó toda la tarde viendo la tele He spent all afternoon watching TV ► Con el mismo sentido anterior, también se puede traducir por whole o entire, este último es más enfático. En este caso, el indefinido tiene que ir acompañado de un sustantivo contable en singular y precedido por un determinante: Se pasó toda la tarde viendo la tele He spent the whole o the entire afternoon watching TV ► Todos se traduce por every cuando se hace hincapié en todos y cada uno de los individuos de un grupo de personas o cosas y también cuando se habla de acciones repetidas: Todos los niños deben llevar el uniforme del colegio Every child must wear school uniform Salimos a cenar todos los viernes We go out for dinner every Friday El sustantivo que sigue a every va en singular y nunca lleva determinante. El verbo va también en singular. ► Cuando todos se emplea para generalizar, se traduce por all. En este caso el sustantivo que sigue a all no lleva determinante: Todos los alemanes saben hablar inglés All Germans can speak English ► Todos también se traduce por all para referirse al conjunto de individuos de un grupo pero, a diferencia de every, sin dar importancia a los elementos. En este caso el sustantivo lleva determinante y va en plural, como el verbo: Todos los libros de la biblioteca eran antiguos All the books in the library were old
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    1) ( la totalidad de) all

    nos comimos todo el pan/todos los bombones — we ate all the bread/chocolates

    toda la mañana — all morning, the whole morning

    2) (cualquier, cada)

    todo artículo importado — all imported items, any imported item

    todos los días/los años — every day/year

    a todo esto — ( mientras tanto) meanwhile, in the meantime; ( a propósito) incidentally, by the way


    el/un todo — the/a whole

    jugarse el todo por el todoto risk o gamble everything on one throw

    - da pronombre
    a) ( sin excluir nada) everything

    ¿eso es todo? — is that all?


    todos/todas — ( referido a - cosas) all; (- a personas) all, everybody

    vinieron todos — they all came, everybody came

    ¿están todos? — is everyone o everybody here?

    ¿estamos todos? — are we all here?

    con todo (y eso) — (fam) ( aun así) all the same, even so

    con todo, sigo pensando que... — all the same o even so I still think that...

    de todo: come de todo she'll eat anything; venden de todo they sell everything o all sorts of things; hace de todo un poco he does a bit of everything; del todo totally; no es del todo cierto it's not entirely o totally true; y todo: enfermo y todo, vino a trabajar sick as he was, he still came to work; tuvo que venir la policía y todo (fam) the police had to come and everything (colloq); de todas, todas (fam): ¿es verdad? - de todas, todas is it true? - you bet it is! (colloq); ganó de todas, todas he won by a mile (colloq); me las pagará todas juntas one of these days I'll get even with him for all of this; no tenerlas todas consigo — to be a little worried o uneasy

    3) (como adv)
    a) ( completamente) all

    está toda entusiasmada con el viajeshe's all o terribly excited about the trip

    * * *
    = all, complete, every, everything, whole affair, the, wholeness, the full monty, the whole lot, at large, the works!, the whole thing, the entire length of.
    Ex. All returned documents must be checked for the presence of a hold on the title.
    Ex. The main entry is the complete catalogue record of the document.
    Ex. The directory is a finding list which lists for every field its tag, the number of characters in the field, and the starting character position of the field within the record.
    Ex. The CLEAR key erases everything on the screen.
    Ex. The whole affair, assembled and compressed, could be lugged off in a moving van.
    Ex. The part chosen should have a unity of its own, a wholeness that offers a complete experience without at the same time giving away everything.
    Ex. The article ' The digital full monty?' forecasts that the world of information is likely to be dominated by global giants on the one hand and selective niche providers on the other.
    Ex. Alternatively the printer might not have ordered enough paper for the whole book, either because he miscalculated or because he could not afford to buy the whole lot at once = Por otro lado, el impresor podría no haber encargado suficiente papel para imprimir el libro entero, bien porque lo calculó mal o porque no podía permitirse el lujo de comprarlo todo de una vez.
    Ex. The committee will be expected to produce an annual report to the members at large.
    Ex. Whole cities laid to waste, heroes falling in battle, death of gods, the works!.
    Ex. The truth is that I'm pretty upset about the whole thing and don't have very warm feelings towards the makers of these products.
    Ex. It tells the story of one man's absurd quest to become the first person to walk the entire length of the Amazon River.
    * ¡a por todas! = go for it!.
    * abandonar toda esperanza = give up + hope.
    * abarcarlo todo = be all inclusive.
    * absolutamente todo = anything and everything, the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * absolver a Alguien de todos los cargos = acquit + Nombre + on all counts.
    * acaparar toda la atención = steal + the limelight.
    * accesible por todos = widely accessible.
    * acceso para todos = access for all.
    * aceptado por todos = widely accepted.
    * a decir de todos = by all accounts.
    * afectar a todo el país = sweep + the country.
    * ahorros de toda la vida = life-time savings, life savings.
    * ahorros de toda una vida = life savings.
    * al alcance de todos = within everybody's reach, within everyone's reach, accessible to everyone, accessible to everybody.
    * al igual que con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.
    * a lo largo de todo = the entire length of.
    * antes de todo = before anything else, first off.
    * ante todo = first and foremost, before anything else, more than anything else, first of all, above all, above all things.
    * a pesar de todo = all the same, in spite of everything, despite everything, despite it all, in spite of it all, all this said.
    * a pesar de todo + Posesivo + Nombre = for all + Posesivo + Nombre.
    * aprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong education.
    * a toda costa = absolutely, come what may, at all costs, at any cost, at any price.
    * a toda máquina = in the fast lane, fast lane, full steam ahead, at full tilt, full-tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda marcha = at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda mecha = at a rate of knots, full steam ahead, at full blast, at full throttle, at top speed, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda pasta = at a rate of knots.
    * a toda pastilla = in the fast lane, on the fast track, fast lane, full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at a rate of knots, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda prueba = unswerving.
    * a todas horas = at all hours, around the clock.
    * a todas luces = patently.
    * a todas partes = far and wide.
    * a toda velocidad = full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a todo alrededor = all round.
    * a todo color = full-colour, in full colour.
    * a todo gas = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo lo largo de = the length of.
    * a todo meter = full steam ahead, at full stretch, at full speed, at full blast, at top speed.
    * a todo ritmo = in full swing, in full force, in full gear.
    * a todos lados = far and wide.
    * a todos los efectos = to all intents and purposes, to all intents, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * a todos los niveles = at all levels.
    * a todos nosotros = us all.
    * a todos por igual = one size fits all.
    * a todo vapor = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo volumen = at full blast.
    * autoaprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong learning.
    * avanzar a toda máquina = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a toda mecha = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a toda pastilla = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo gas = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo meter = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo vapor = go + full steam ahead.
    * bastante para todos = enough to go round.
    * bien de todos, el = common good, the.
    * buscar por todas partes = scour + Nombre + for.
    * buscar por todo el mundo = search + the world (over).
    * capaz de todo = capable of anything.
    * casi de todo = just about everything.
    * casi todo = everything but the kitchen sink, just about everything.
    * casi todos = almost any.
    * castigar con todo el peso de la ley = punish + to the full extent of the law.
    * celebrar por todo lo alto = make + a song and dance about.
    * comérselo todo = eat + Posesivo + way through.
    * como con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.
    * como un todo = as a whole.
    * comportarse como toda una señora = take + the high road, take + the high ground.
    * comportarse como todo un caballero = take + the high road, take + the high ground.
    * conjuntarlo todo = tie + the pieces together.
    * conocido de todos = well-known.
    * conocido por todos = widely recognised, well-known.
    * conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight.
    * contar todo sobre = give + Nombre + the lowdown on.
    * con toda claridad = as clear as a bell.
    * con toda confianza = feel + free to.
    * con toda desfachatez = shamelessly.
    * con toda franqueza = to put it frankly, in all sincerity, in all honesty.
    * con toda honestidad = in all honesty.
    * con toda insolencia = shamelessly.
    * con toda la razón = quite rightly.
    * con toda la vestimenta = in full gear.
    * con toda nitidez = as clear as a bell.
    * con toda probabilidad = in all probability, probability.
    * con toda seguridad = safely.
    * con toda sinceridad = quite honestly, to put it frankly, in all sincerity, in all honesty.
    * con todas las de la ley = full-bodied, full-fledged, full-scale.
    * con todas las prestaciones = full-featured.
    * con todas sus prestaciones = fully featured.
    * con toda su fuerza = in full force.
    * con toda tranquilidad = casually.
    * con todo descaro = shamelessly.
    * con todo el peso de la ley = to the full extent of the law.
    * con todo incluido = with the works!.
    * con todo mi debido respeto hacia = with (all) due respect to.
    * con todo mi respeto hacia = with (all) due respect to.
    * con todos los extras = with the works!.
    * con todos los lujos = with all mods and cons.
    * con todos mis respetos hacia (la opinión de) = pace.
    * con todos sus defectos = warts and all.
    * con todo tipo de comodidades = with all mods and cons.
    * con todo tipo de lujos = with all mods and cons.
    * contra toda persona = all comers.
    * contra (todo) pronóstico = against (all/the) odds.
    * contra todo (tipo) de riesgo = against all risks.
    * controlarlo todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * coordinarlo todo = tie + the pieces together.
    * correr a toda velocidad = sprint.
    * cubrir toda la gama = run + the gamut.
    * cubrir todo el espectro = run + the gamut.
    * dar al traste con todo = upset + the applecart.
    * dar el todo por el todo = give + Posesivo + all.
    * dar todo de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dar todo el oro del mundo = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * decir con toda confianza = say in + full confidence.
    * decir la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad = to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
    * dedicar toda una vida = spend + lifetime.
    * dedicar todo el esfuerzo del mundo a = put + Posesivo + heart into.
    * del todo = all the way.
    * demostrarlo todo = be proof enough.
    * dentro de todo = all in all.
    * desde todos los puntos de vista = in every sense.
    * desear a Algo o Alguien toda la suerte del mundo = wish + Nombre + every success.
    * despedirse de Alguien deseándole que todo vaya bien = wish + well.
    * después de todo = after all.
    * de toda la empresa = systemwide.
    * de toda la institución = institution-wide, systemwide.
    * de toda la provincia = province-wide.
    * de toda la universidad = university-wide.
    * de toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].
    * de todas formas = anyway(s), at any rate, anyhow.
    * de todas las formas posibles = in any and all ways.
    * de todas las partes del mundo = from all over the world, from all over the globe, from every part of the world.
    * de todas maneras = at any rate.
    * de todas partes = from far and wide.
    * de todo = throughout.
    * de todo corazón = heart-to-heart, with all + Posesivo + heart.
    * de todo el continente = continent-wide.
    * de todo el distrito = district-wide [districtwide].
    * de todo el mundo = world over, the, from (all) around the world, throughout the world, around the world, across the globe, around the globe, from (all) around the globe, all over the globe, from across the world, across the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * de todo el país = across the land, all around the country, all over the country, from all over the country.
    * de todo el planeta = across the planet.
    * de todo el sistema = systemwide.
    * de todo + Nombre = all through + Nombre.
    * de todos conocido = well-known.
    * de todos lados = from far and wide.
    * de todos los colores = of all stripes, a rainbow of.
    * de todos los tiempos = all-time, of all time(s).
    * de todos los tipos = of all stripes.
    * de todos modos = at any rate.
    * de todo tipo = of all sorts, of every sort, of all stripes, of all shapes and sizes.
    * de todo un poco = about this and that and everything else, about this and that.
    * de una vez por todas = once and for all, once for all.
    * Día de Todos los Santos = All Saints' Day.
    * dirigirse a toda prisa hacia = make + haste towards.
    * disfrutar de todas las ventajas = have + the best of both worlds.
    * durante casi todo el año = for the best part of the year.
    * durante toda la noche = all-night, all night long.
    * durante toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].
    * durante toda una vida = over a lifetime.
    * durante todo = all the way through, throughout.
    * durante todo el día = all day long.
    * durante todo el trimestre = semester-long.
    * durante todo el verano = all summer long.
    * durante todo + Tiempo = all through + Tiempo.
    * durar toda una vida = go on + for a lifetime, last + (for) a lifetime.
    * echarlo todo a perder = upset + the applecart.
    * echarlo todo a rodar = upset + the applecart.
    * echarlo todo por tierra = upset + the applecart.
    * echar toda la carne en el asador = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket, shoot (for) + the moon, go for + broke.
    * el dinero es el origen de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el dinero es la fuente de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el fin de todos los fines = the end of all ends.
    * el mejor de todos = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * el mejor momento de todos = the time of all times.
    * el peor de todos = the worst of the lot.
    * el sueño de toda persona = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el sueño de todos = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * en casi todos los + Nombre = in just about every + Nombre.
    * encontrarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * encontrarle faltas a todo = nitpick.
    * en igualdad de condiciones para todos los sexos = gender-equitable.
    * en toda la empresa = company-wide, systemwide.
    * en toda la institución = systemwide.
    * en toda la nación = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * en toda ocasión = at every turn.
    * en todas partes = all around, far and wide.
    * en todo = throughout.
    * en todo caso = if anything.
    * en todo el edificio = site-wide.
    * en todo el estado = statewide [state-wide].
    * en todo el mundo = worldwide [world-wide], world over, the, throughout the world, around the world, all around the world, across the globe, around the globe, across the world, around the planet, the world over, in the whole world.
    * en todo el país = all around the country, all over the country, from all over the country, across the country.
    * en todo el planeta = across the planet, planet-wide.
    * en todo el proceso = throughout.
    * en todo el sistema = systemwide.
    * en todo momento = at all times, at every instant, every step of the way, throughout, at every turn, day in and day out, at all hours, time after time.
    * en todos estos sentidos = in all these regards.
    * en todos lados = far and wide.
    * en todos los aspectos = all-round.
    * en todos los sentidos = in all respects, in every sense.
    * en todos menos en = in all but.
    * en todos y cada uno de = in all.
    * escolarización para todos = universal schooling.
    * eso es casi todo = that's about it.
    * estar dispuesto a todo = be ready, willing and able.
    * estar en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar metido en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar pendiente de todo = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar todos en el mismo barco = be all in the same boat.
    * exento de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * extenderse por todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * extenderse por todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * facilitarle la vida a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * famoso en todo el mundo = world-famous [world famous], world-renowned, world-renown.
    * fuente de todos los males, la = root of all evil, the.
    * fuera de toda duda = incontrovertible, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * fuera de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * ganar cuando todo parece estar perdido = victory from the jaws of defeat.
    * gente de todo tipo = people from all walks of life.
    * hacerle la vida más simple a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * hacerlo todo excepto = stop at + nothing short of.
    * hacerlo todo menos = stop at + nothing short of.
    * hacer (todo) el trabajo pesado = do (all) + the donkey work.
    * hacer todo lo posible = do + Posesivo + best, pull out + all the stops, do + the best + Nombre + may, do + the best + Nombre + can, try + hard, try + Posesivo + best, try + Posesivo + heart out, work + hard.
    * hacer todo lo posible (dado) = do + the best possible (with).
    * hacer todo lo posible para = every effort + be + made to.
    * hacer todo lo posible por = go to + any lengths to, go to + great lengths to, endeavour [endeavor, -USA], take + (great) pains to.
    * hacer todo lo que está en nuestras manos = pull out + all the stops.
    * hacer todo lo que Uno pueda = do + Posesivo + best, do + the best + Nombre + may, do + the best + Nombre + can.
    * hacer todo lo que Uno pueda (dado) = do + the best possible (with).
    * hacer un todo de = lump + Nombre + into.
    * hasta ahora, todo bien = so far, so good.
    * igualdad de condiciones para todos = levelling of the playing field.
    * igual para todos = one size fits all.
    * incluir a todo el mundo = inclusivity.
    * incluirlo todo = be all inclusive.
    * insuficiente para todos = insufficient to go round.
    * integrar formando un todo = articulate.
    * ir a por todas = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon.
    * ir a toda velocidad = hurtle.
    * ir todo bien = be fine.
    * ir todo de maravilla = come up + roses.
    * jalárselo todo = scoff + the lot, eat + Posesivo + way through.
    * jugarse el todo por el todo = take + the plunge, risk + life and limb.
    * jugárselo todo = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon.
    * jugárselo todo a una sola carta = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * justamente todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * justamente todo lo contrario de = quite the opposite of.
    * libre de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * llegar a todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * llegar a todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * llevar al hospital con toda urgencia = rush + Nombre + to hospital.
    * llevar todas las de perder = odds + be stacked against, not have a leg to stand on.
    * lo mejor de todo = best of all.
    * lo primero de todo = first of all, first off.
    * mantener todo controlado = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * más allá de toda duda = beyond doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * más allá de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * más bien todo lo contrario = quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * más que todo lo demás = beyond all else.
    * más que todos nosotros juntos = more than all of us put together.
    * meter las manos en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * meterse en todos los fregados = have + a finger in every pie.
    * motocicleta todo terreno = dirt bike.
    * no aburrir a Alguien con todos los detalles = spare + Nombe + all the details.
    * no creerse Algo del todo = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no del todo maduro, verde = underripe.
    * no ser oro todo lo que reluce = not + it's cracked up to be.
    * no somos todos iguales = one size doesn't fit all.
    * No todo lo que reluce es oro = All that glitters is not gold, Not all that is gold glitters.
    * ocurrir todo a la vez = happen + all at once.
    * origen de todos males, el = root of all evil, the.
    * para sorpresa de todos = to everyone's surprise.
    * para toda la empresa = company-wide, enterprise-wide.
    * para toda la industria = industry-wide.
    * para toda la universidad = university-wide.
    * para toda la vida = lifelong [life-long], for life.
    * para todo el mercado = industry-wide.
    * para todos los efectos prácticos = for all practical purposes.
    * para todos por igual = across the board [across-the-board].
    * para todo tipo de tiempo = all-weather.
    * para todo uso = all-purpose.
    * pasar a toda velocidad = whiz.
    * póliza de seguro a todo riesgo = all risks cover.
    * poner toda la carne en el asador = shoot (for) + the moon, put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * poner toda la carne en el asador = go for + broke.
    * poner todo de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + utmost.
    * poner todo patas arriba = turn + everything upside down.
    * poner todos los huevos en una canasta = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * por ahora todo va bien = so far, so good.
    * por encima de toda crítica = beyond reproach, above reproach.
    * por encima de toda duda = beyond reproach, above reproach.
    * por encima de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * por encima de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * por encima de todo = at all costs, at any cost, at any price.
    * por lo que dicen todos = by all accounts.
    * por toda la ciudad = citywide [city-wide].
    * por toda la Internet = Internet-wide.
    * por toda la nación = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * por toda la provincia = province-wide.
    * por toda la vida = lifetime [life-time].
    * por todas las instituciones oficiales = government-wide.
    * por todas partes = all over the place, everywhere, widely, all around, far and wide.
    * por toda una vida = lifetime [life-time].
    * por todo = all over, throughout, all the way through.
    * por todo el campus universitario = campus-wide [campuswide].
    * por todo el continente = continent-wide.
    * por todo el distrito = district-wide [districtwide].
    * por todo el gobierno = government-wide.
    * por todo el mundo = worldwide [world-wide], around the world, across the globe, around the globe, across the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * por todo el planeta = across the planet, planet-wide.
    * por todo el servicio = service-wide.
    * por todo lo alto = grandly, on a grand scale.
    * por todo + Nombre de Lugar = across + Nombre de Lugar.
    * por todos conocido = well-known.
    * por todos lados = far and wide.
    * por todos los medios = by all means.
    * por todos sitios = everywhere.
    * que afecta a toda la empresa = enterprise-wide.
    * que afecta a toda la sociedad = culture-wide.
    * que afecta a todas las culturas = culture-wide.
    * que bate todos los récords = record breaking.
    * que cubre todo el cuerpo = head to toe.
    * que dura todo el año = year-round.
    * que lo abarca todo = all-embracing.
    * que lo incluye todo = all-embracing.
    * reconocido por todos = widely recognised.
    * relación parte = whole/part relationship.
    * replantearse todo desde cero = get back to + basics.
    * reservados todos los derechos = all rights reserved.
    * resistir con todas las fuerzas = resist + with every cell in + Posesivo + body.
    * respetado por todos = widely-respected.
    * revolucionarlo todo = turn + everything upside down.
    * revolverlo todo = turn + everything upside down.
    * sacarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * sacarle faltas a todo = nitpick.
    * salir a toda prisa = make + a hasty exit.
    * seguro a todo riesgo = comprehensive insurance, all-risk insurance.
    * ser conocido por todos = be out in the open.
    * ser el centro de todas las miradas = cut + a dash.
    * ser justo con todos = give the devil his due.
    * serlo todo para todos = be all things to all men, be all things to all people.
    * ser todo corazón = have + a heart of gold.
    * ser todo oídos = be all ears.
    * ser todo un éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * ser todo ventajas = the best of both worlds.
    * ser todo vida = be all life.
    * si todo sigue igual = all (other) things being equal.
    * si todo va de acuerdo a lo planeado = all (other) things being equal.
    * sobre todas las cosas = above all things.
    * sobre todo = above all, above everything else, in particular, above all things.
    * tan amado de todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan amado por todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan querido por todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan queridos de todos = so beloved of all.
    * tenerlo todo = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tenerlo todo hecho = have + an easy ride.
    * tener todas las de perder = fight + a losing battle.
    * tener todas las posibilidades de = have + every possibility of.
    * tener todo + Nombre + a + Posesivo + disposición = have + the run of the + Nombre.
    * tener todo + Nombre + para + Pronombre = have + the run of the + Nombre.
    * tener todo un éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tienda de todo a cien = dollar store.
    * tienda que vende de todo = general store.
    * titular a toda plana = headline banner.
    * toda alma viviente = every living soul.
    * toda clase de = all sorts of.
    * toda la comunidad = the community at large.
    * toda la fuerza = full force.
    * toda la fuerza de = the full force of.
    * toda la fuerza del impacto = full force.
    * toda la noche = all night long.
    * toda la sociedad = society at large.
    * toda la trupe = in full force.
    * toda la verdad sobre = the skinny on.
    * toda la vida = from the cradle to the grave, whole lifelong, whole life.
    * todas las florituras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todas las iniciales del nombre propio = full initials.
    * todas las partes implicadas = all concerned.
    * todas las personas implicadas = all concerned.
    * todas las razones del mundo = every reason.
    * todas las semanas = weekly.
    * toda una serie de = a whole series of.
    * toda una vida = a lifetime.
    * toda una vida de experiencia = a lifetime of experience.
    * toda una vida de trabajo = a lifetime of work.
    * todo a la vez = all at once.
    * todo al mismo tiempo = all at once.
    * todo bicho viviente = every living soul, everyone and their mother, every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo confuso = in a state of disarray.
    * todo continúa como antes = life goes on as before.
    * todo cuesta algo = nothing comes without a cost.
    * todo de una vez = in one lump.
    * todo de (un) golpe = all at once.
    * todo dios = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo el año = year-round.
    * todo el cotarro = the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * todo el día = all day, all day long, around the clock.
    * todo el fin de semana = all weekend long.
    * todo el mundo = all and sundry, every Tom, Dick and Harry, everybody, each and everyone.
    * todo el mundo debe tener acceso a la información = access for all.
    * todo el peso de la ley = full force of the law, the, full force of the law, the.
    * todo el rato = all the while.
    * todo el santo día = all day long.
    * todo el tiempo = all of the time, left, right and centre, the whole time, all the while.
    * todo el tinglado = the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * todo en su conjunto = whole affair, the.
    * todo en uno = all in one.
    * todo es posible = all bets are off, the sky is the limit.
    * todo está a la vista = what you see is what you get.
    * todo esto = the whole thing.
    * todo excepto = everything except (for).
    * todo florido = in full blossom.
    * todo hijo de vecino = every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo incluido = all-inclusive.
    * todo ir bien = all + be + well with the world.
    * todo liado = in a state of disarray.
    * todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse, in marked contrast.
    * todo lo demás = all else.
    * todo lo que toca se convierte en oro = Midas touch, the.
    * todo lo relativo al personaje novelesco Holmes = Holmesiana.
    * todo lujo de detalles = chapter and verse.
    * todo marcha bien = everything is hunky-dory.
    * todo menos = everything except (for).
    * todo mindundi = every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo + Nombre = the whole + Nombre.
    * todo queda en casa = all in the family.
    * todo quisque = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo quisqui = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo recto = straight ahead, straight on.
    * todos = everybody, everyone, them all, all comers, great and small, all concerned, anyone and everyone.
    * todos a cubierta = all hands on deck!.
    * todos a la faena = all hands on deck, all hands to the pump(s).
    * todos al rescate = all hands on deck, all hands to the pump(s).
    * todo seguido = continuously, straight ahead, straight on.
    * todos ellos = them all.
    * todo ser humano = every living soul.
    * todos + estar de acuerdo = agree on + all hands.
    * todos excepto = everyone except, everybody except.
    * todos excepto + Número = all but + Número.
    * todos lo demás = everyone else.
    * todos los accesorios extras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todos los adornos extras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todos los años = on a yearly basis, year in and year out, year-on-year.
    * todos los demás = everybody else.
    * todos los derechos reservados = all rights reserved.
    * todos los días = daily, on a daily basis, every day, day in and day out.
    * todos los miembros de la agencia = agency-wide.
    * todos los otros = all of the other.
    * todos manos a la obra = all hands to the pump(s), all hands on deck.
    * todos menos = everyone except, everybody except.
    * todos menos + Número = all but + Número.
    * todos nosotros = all of us.
    * todos por igual = share and share alike.
    * todos ustedes = you all.
    * todos vosotros = you all.
    * todos y cada uno = all and sundry, in full force, each and everyone.
    * todos y cada uno de = any and every, any and all.
    * todos y cada uno de + Adjetivo + Nombre = Pronombre + every + Nombre.
    * todo tiene sus ventajas y sus inconvenientes = swings and roundabouts, what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.
    * todo tipo de = all sorts of, all manner of.
    * todo tipo de gustos = all shades of opinion.
    * todo va a las mil maravillas = everything is hunky-dory.
    * todo vale = no holds barred.
    * trabajo de toda una vida = life's work, lifework.
    * tratar por todos los medios de = take + (great) pains to.
    * tratar por todos los medios de + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.
    * Verbo + sobre todo = Verbo + the most.
    * vida a toda pastilla = life in the fast lane.
    * y lo peor de todo = and worst of all.
    * y sobre todo = and worst of all.
    * y todo este tipo de cosas = and all this sort of thing.
    * zampárselo todo = scoff + the lot.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    1) ( la totalidad de) all

    nos comimos todo el pan/todos los bombones — we ate all the bread/chocolates

    toda la mañana — all morning, the whole morning

    2) (cualquier, cada)

    todo artículo importado — all imported items, any imported item

    todos los días/los años — every day/year

    a todo esto — ( mientras tanto) meanwhile, in the meantime; ( a propósito) incidentally, by the way


    el/un todo — the/a whole

    jugarse el todo por el todoto risk o gamble everything on one throw

    - da pronombre
    a) ( sin excluir nada) everything

    ¿eso es todo? — is that all?


    todos/todas — ( referido a - cosas) all; (- a personas) all, everybody

    vinieron todos — they all came, everybody came

    ¿están todos? — is everyone o everybody here?

    ¿estamos todos? — are we all here?

    con todo (y eso) — (fam) ( aun así) all the same, even so

    con todo, sigo pensando que... — all the same o even so I still think that...

    de todo: come de todo she'll eat anything; venden de todo they sell everything o all sorts of things; hace de todo un poco he does a bit of everything; del todo totally; no es del todo cierto it's not entirely o totally true; y todo: enfermo y todo, vino a trabajar sick as he was, he still came to work; tuvo que venir la policía y todo (fam) the police had to come and everything (colloq); de todas, todas (fam): ¿es verdad? - de todas, todas is it true? - you bet it is! (colloq); ganó de todas, todas he won by a mile (colloq); me las pagará todas juntas one of these days I'll get even with him for all of this; no tenerlas todas consigo — to be a little worried o uneasy

    3) (como adv)
    a) ( completamente) all

    está toda entusiasmada con el viajeshe's all o terribly excited about the trip

    * * *
    = all, complete, every, everything, whole affair, the, wholeness, the full monty, the whole lot, at large, the works!, the whole thing, the entire length of.

    Ex: All returned documents must be checked for the presence of a hold on the title.

    Ex: The main entry is the complete catalogue record of the document.
    Ex: The directory is a finding list which lists for every field its tag, the number of characters in the field, and the starting character position of the field within the record.
    Ex: The CLEAR key erases everything on the screen.
    Ex: The whole affair, assembled and compressed, could be lugged off in a moving van.
    Ex: The part chosen should have a unity of its own, a wholeness that offers a complete experience without at the same time giving away everything.
    Ex: The article ' The digital full monty?' forecasts that the world of information is likely to be dominated by global giants on the one hand and selective niche providers on the other.
    Ex: Alternatively the printer might not have ordered enough paper for the whole book, either because he miscalculated or because he could not afford to buy the whole lot at once = Por otro lado, el impresor podría no haber encargado suficiente papel para imprimir el libro entero, bien porque lo calculó mal o porque no podía permitirse el lujo de comprarlo todo de una vez.
    Ex: The committee will be expected to produce an annual report to the members at large.
    Ex: Whole cities laid to waste, heroes falling in battle, death of gods, the works!.
    Ex: The truth is that I'm pretty upset about the whole thing and don't have very warm feelings towards the makers of these products.
    Ex: It tells the story of one man's absurd quest to become the first person to walk the entire length of the Amazon River.
    * ¡a por todas! = go for it!.
    * abandonar toda esperanza = give up + hope.
    * abarcarlo todo = be all inclusive.
    * absolutamente todo = anything and everything, the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * absolver a Alguien de todos los cargos = acquit + Nombre + on all counts.
    * acaparar toda la atención = steal + the limelight.
    * accesible por todos = widely accessible.
    * acceso para todos = access for all.
    * aceptado por todos = widely accepted.
    * a decir de todos = by all accounts.
    * afectar a todo el país = sweep + the country.
    * ahorros de toda la vida = life-time savings, life savings.
    * ahorros de toda una vida = life savings.
    * al alcance de todos = within everybody's reach, within everyone's reach, accessible to everyone, accessible to everybody.
    * al igual que con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.
    * a lo largo de todo = the entire length of.
    * antes de todo = before anything else, first off.
    * ante todo = first and foremost, before anything else, more than anything else, first of all, above all, above all things.
    * a pesar de todo = all the same, in spite of everything, despite everything, despite it all, in spite of it all, all this said.
    * a pesar de todo + Posesivo + Nombre = for all + Posesivo + Nombre.
    * aprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong education.
    * a toda costa = absolutely, come what may, at all costs, at any cost, at any price.
    * a toda máquina = in the fast lane, fast lane, full steam ahead, at full tilt, full-tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda marcha = at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda mecha = at a rate of knots, full steam ahead, at full blast, at full throttle, at top speed, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda pasta = at a rate of knots.
    * a toda pastilla = in the fast lane, on the fast track, fast lane, full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at a rate of knots, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda prueba = unswerving.
    * a todas horas = at all hours, around the clock.
    * a todas luces = patently.
    * a todas partes = far and wide.
    * a toda velocidad = full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a todo alrededor = all round.
    * a todo color = full-colour, in full colour.
    * a todo gas = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo lo largo de = the length of.
    * a todo meter = full steam ahead, at full stretch, at full speed, at full blast, at top speed.
    * a todo ritmo = in full swing, in full force, in full gear.
    * a todos lados = far and wide.
    * a todos los efectos = to all intents and purposes, to all intents, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * a todos los niveles = at all levels.
    * a todos nosotros = us all.
    * a todos por igual = one size fits all.
    * a todo vapor = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo volumen = at full blast.
    * autoaprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong learning.
    * avanzar a toda máquina = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a toda mecha = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a toda pastilla = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo gas = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo meter = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo vapor = go + full steam ahead.
    * bastante para todos = enough to go round.
    * bien de todos, el = common good, the.
    * buscar por todas partes = scour + Nombre + for.
    * buscar por todo el mundo = search + the world (over).
    * capaz de todo = capable of anything.
    * casi de todo = just about everything.
    * casi todo = everything but the kitchen sink, just about everything.
    * casi todos = almost any.
    * castigar con todo el peso de la ley = punish + to the full extent of the law.
    * celebrar por todo lo alto = make + a song and dance about.
    * comérselo todo = eat + Posesivo + way through.
    * como con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.
    * como un todo = as a whole.
    * comportarse como toda una señora = take + the high road, take + the high ground.
    * comportarse como todo un caballero = take + the high road, take + the high ground.
    * conjuntarlo todo = tie + the pieces together.
    * conocido de todos = well-known.
    * conocido por todos = widely recognised, well-known.
    * conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight.
    * contar todo sobre = give + Nombre + the lowdown on.
    * con toda claridad = as clear as a bell.
    * con toda confianza = feel + free to.
    * con toda desfachatez = shamelessly.
    * con toda franqueza = to put it frankly, in all sincerity, in all honesty.
    * con toda honestidad = in all honesty.
    * con toda insolencia = shamelessly.
    * con toda la razón = quite rightly.
    * con toda la vestimenta = in full gear.
    * con toda nitidez = as clear as a bell.
    * con toda probabilidad = in all probability, probability.
    * con toda seguridad = safely.
    * con toda sinceridad = quite honestly, to put it frankly, in all sincerity, in all honesty.
    * con todas las de la ley = full-bodied, full-fledged, full-scale.
    * con todas las prestaciones = full-featured.
    * con todas sus prestaciones = fully featured.
    * con toda su fuerza = in full force.
    * con toda tranquilidad = casually.
    * con todo descaro = shamelessly.
    * con todo el peso de la ley = to the full extent of the law.
    * con todo incluido = with the works!.
    * con todo mi debido respeto hacia = with (all) due respect to.
    * con todo mi respeto hacia = with (all) due respect to.
    * con todos los extras = with the works!.
    * con todos los lujos = with all mods and cons.
    * con todos mis respetos hacia (la opinión de) = pace.
    * con todos sus defectos = warts and all.
    * con todo tipo de comodidades = with all mods and cons.
    * con todo tipo de lujos = with all mods and cons.
    * contra toda persona = all comers.
    * contra (todo) pronóstico = against (all/the) odds.
    * contra todo (tipo) de riesgo = against all risks.
    * controlarlo todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * coordinarlo todo = tie + the pieces together.
    * correr a toda velocidad = sprint.
    * cubrir toda la gama = run + the gamut.
    * cubrir todo el espectro = run + the gamut.
    * dar al traste con todo = upset + the applecart.
    * dar el todo por el todo = give + Posesivo + all.
    * dar todo de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dar todo el oro del mundo = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * decir con toda confianza = say in + full confidence.
    * decir la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad = to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
    * dedicar toda una vida = spend + lifetime.
    * dedicar todo el esfuerzo del mundo a = put + Posesivo + heart into.
    * del todo = all the way.
    * demostrarlo todo = be proof enough.
    * dentro de todo = all in all.
    * desde todos los puntos de vista = in every sense.
    * desear a Algo o Alguien toda la suerte del mundo = wish + Nombre + every success.
    * despedirse de Alguien deseándole que todo vaya bien = wish + well.
    * después de todo = after all.
    * de toda la empresa = systemwide.
    * de toda la institución = institution-wide, systemwide.
    * de toda la provincia = province-wide.
    * de toda la universidad = university-wide.
    * de toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].
    * de todas formas = anyway(s), at any rate, anyhow.
    * de todas las formas posibles = in any and all ways.
    * de todas las partes del mundo = from all over the world, from all over the globe, from every part of the world.
    * de todas maneras = at any rate.
    * de todas partes = from far and wide.
    * de todo = throughout.
    * de todo corazón = heart-to-heart, with all + Posesivo + heart.
    * de todo el continente = continent-wide.
    * de todo el distrito = district-wide [districtwide].
    * de todo el mundo = world over, the, from (all) around the world, throughout the world, around the world, across the globe, around the globe, from (all) around the globe, all over the globe, from across the world, across the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * de todo el país = across the land, all around the country, all over the country, from all over the country.
    * de todo el planeta = across the planet.
    * de todo el sistema = systemwide.
    * de todo + Nombre = all through + Nombre.
    * de todos conocido = well-known.
    * de todos lados = from far and wide.
    * de todos los colores = of all stripes, a rainbow of.
    * de todos los tiempos = all-time, of all time(s).
    * de todos los tipos = of all stripes.
    * de todos modos = at any rate.
    * de todo tipo = of all sorts, of every sort, of all stripes, of all shapes and sizes.
    * de todo un poco = about this and that and everything else, about this and that.
    * de una vez por todas = once and for all, once for all.
    * Día de Todos los Santos = All Saints' Day.
    * dirigirse a toda prisa hacia = make + haste towards.
    * disfrutar de todas las ventajas = have + the best of both worlds.
    * durante casi todo el año = for the best part of the year.
    * durante toda la noche = all-night, all night long.
    * durante toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].
    * durante toda una vida = over a lifetime.
    * durante todo = all the way through, throughout.
    * durante todo el día = all day long.
    * durante todo el trimestre = semester-long.
    * durante todo el verano = all summer long.
    * durante todo + Tiempo = all through + Tiempo.
    * durar toda una vida = go on + for a lifetime, last + (for) a lifetime.
    * echarlo todo a perder = upset + the applecart.
    * echarlo todo a rodar = upset + the applecart.
    * echarlo todo por tierra = upset + the applecart.
    * echar toda la carne en el asador = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket, shoot (for) + the moon, go for + broke.
    * el dinero es el origen de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el dinero es la fuente de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el fin de todos los fines = the end of all ends.
    * el mejor de todos = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * el mejor momento de todos = the time of all times.
    * el peor de todos = the worst of the lot.
    * el sueño de toda persona = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el sueño de todos = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * en casi todos los + Nombre = in just about every + Nombre.
    * encontrarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * encontrarle faltas a todo = nitpick.
    * en igualdad de condiciones para todos los sexos = gender-equitable.
    * en toda la empresa = company-wide, systemwide.
    * en toda la institución = systemwide.
    * en toda la nación = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * en toda ocasión = at every turn.
    * en todas partes = all around, far and wide.
    * en todo = throughout.
    * en todo caso = if anything.
    * en todo el edificio = site-wide.
    * en todo el estado = statewide [state-wide].
    * en todo el mundo = worldwide [world-wide], world over, the, throughout the world, around the world, all around the world, across the globe, around the globe, across the world, around the planet, the world over, in the whole world.
    * en todo el país = all around the country, all over the country, from all over the country, across the country.
    * en todo el planeta = across the planet, planet-wide.
    * en todo el proceso = throughout.
    * en todo el sistema = systemwide.
    * en todo momento = at all times, at every instant, every step of the way, throughout, at every turn, day in and day out, at all hours, time after time.
    * en todos estos sentidos = in all these regards.
    * en todos lados = far and wide.
    * en todos los aspectos = all-round.
    * en todos los sentidos = in all respects, in every sense.
    * en todos menos en = in all but.
    * en todos y cada uno de = in all.
    * escolarización para todos = universal schooling.
    * eso es casi todo = that's about it.
    * estar dispuesto a todo = be ready, willing and able.
    * estar en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar metido en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar pendiente de todo = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar todos en el mismo barco = be all in the same boat.
    * exento de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * extenderse por todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * extenderse por todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * facilitarle la vida a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * famoso en todo el mundo = world-famous [world famous], world-renowned, world-renown.
    * fuente de todos los males, la = root of all evil, the.
    * fuera de toda duda = incontrovertible, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * fuera de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * ganar cuando todo parece estar perdido = victory from the jaws of defeat.
    * gente de todo tipo = people from all walks of life.
    * hacerle la vida más simple a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * hacerlo todo excepto = stop at + nothing short of.
    * hacerlo todo menos = stop at + nothing short of.
    * hacer (todo) el trabajo pesado = do (all) + the donkey work.
    * hacer todo lo posible = do + Posesivo + best, pull out + all the stops, do + the best + Nombre + may, do + the best + Nombre + can, try + hard, try + Posesivo + best, try + Posesivo + heart out, work + hard.
    * hacer todo lo posible (dado) = do + the best possible (with).
    * hacer todo lo posible para = every effort + be + made to.
    * hacer todo lo posible por = go to + any lengths to, go to + great lengths to, endeavour [endeavor, -USA], take + (great) pains to.
    * hacer todo lo que está en nuestras manos = pull out + all the stops.
    * hacer todo lo que Uno pueda = do + Posesivo + best, do + the best + Nombre + may, do + the best + Nombre + can.
    * hacer todo lo que Uno pueda (dado) = do + the best possible (with).
    * hacer un todo de = lump + Nombre + into.
    * hasta ahora, todo bien = so far, so good.
    * igualdad de condiciones para todos = levelling of the playing field.
    * igual para todos = one size fits all.
    * incluir a todo el mundo = inclusivity.
    * incluirlo todo = be all inclusive.
    * insuficiente para todos = insufficient to go round.
    * integrar formando un todo = articulate.
    * ir a por todas = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon.
    * ir a toda velocidad = hurtle.
    * ir todo bien = be fine.
    * ir todo de maravilla = come up + roses.
    * jalárselo todo = scoff + the lot, eat + Posesivo + way through.
    * jugarse el todo por el todo = take + the plunge, risk + life and limb.
    * jugárselo todo = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon.
    * jugárselo todo a una sola carta = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * justamente todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * justamente todo lo contrario de = quite the opposite of.
    * libre de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * llegar a todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * llegar a todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * llevar al hospital con toda urgencia = rush + Nombre + to hospital.
    * llevar todas las de perder = odds + be stacked against, not have a leg to stand on.
    * lo mejor de todo = best of all.
    * lo primero de todo = first of all, first off.
    * mantener todo controlado = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * más allá de toda duda = beyond doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * más allá de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * más bien todo lo contrario = quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * más que todo lo demás = beyond all else.
    * más que todos nosotros juntos = more than all of us put together.
    * meter las manos en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * meterse en todos los fregados = have + a finger in every pie.
    * motocicleta todo terreno = dirt bike.
    * no aburrir a Alguien con todos los detalles = spare + Nombe + all the details.
    * no creerse Algo del todo = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no del todo maduro, verde = underripe.
    * no ser oro todo lo que reluce = not + it's cracked up to be.
    * no somos todos iguales = one size doesn't fit all.
    * No todo lo que reluce es oro = All that glitters is not gold, Not all that is gold glitters.
    * ocurrir todo a la vez = happen + all at once.
    * origen de todos males, el = root of all evil, the.
    * para sorpresa de todos = to everyone's surprise.
    * para toda la empresa = company-wide, enterprise-wide.
    * para toda la industria = industry-wide.
    * para toda la universidad = university-wide.
    * para toda la vida = lifelong [life-long], for life.
    * para todo el mercado = industry-wide.
    * para todos los efectos prácticos = for all practical purposes.
    * para todos por igual = across the board [across-the-board].
    * para todo tipo de tiempo = all-weather.
    * para todo uso = all-purpose.
    * pasar a toda velocidad = whiz.
    * póliza de seguro a todo riesgo = all risks cover.
    * poner toda la carne en el asador = shoot (for) + the moon, put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * poner toda la carne en el asador = go for + broke.
    * poner todo de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + utmost.
    * poner todo patas arriba = turn + everything upside down.
    * poner todos los huevos en una canasta = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * por ahora todo va bien = so far, so good.
    * por encima de toda crítica = beyond reproach, above reproach.
    * por encima de toda duda = beyond reproach, above reproach.
    * por encima de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * por encima de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * por encima de todo = at all costs, at any cost, at any price.
    * por lo que dicen todos = by all accounts.
    * por toda la ciudad = citywide [city-wide].
    * por toda la Internet = Internet-wide.
    * por toda la nación = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * por toda la provincia = province-wide.
    * por toda la vida = lifetime [life-time].
    * por todas las instituciones oficiales = government-wide.
    * por todas partes = all over the place, everywhere, widely, all around, far and wide.
    * por toda una vida = lifetime [life-time].
    * por todo = all over, throughout, all the way through.
    * por todo el campus universitario = campus-wide [campuswide].
    * por todo el continente = continent-wide.
    * por todo el distrito = district-wide [districtwide].
    * por todo el gobierno = government-wide.
    * por todo el mundo = worldwide [world-wide], around the world, across the globe, around the globe, across the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * por todo el planeta = across the planet, planet-wide.
    * por todo el servicio = service-wide.
    * por todo lo alto = grandly, on a grand scale.
    * por todo + Nombre de Lugar = across + Nombre de Lugar.
    * por todos conocido = well-known.
    * por todos lados = far and wide.
    * por todos los medios = by all means.
    * por todos sitios = everywhere.
    * que afecta a toda la empresa = enterprise-wide.
    * que afecta a toda la sociedad = culture-wide.
    * que afecta a todas las culturas = culture-wide.
    * que bate todos los récords = record breaking.
    * que cubre todo el cuerpo = head to toe.
    * que dura todo el año = year-round.
    * que lo abarca todo = all-embracing.
    * que lo incluye todo = all-embracing.
    * reconocido por todos = widely recognised.
    * relación parte = whole/part relationship.
    * replantearse todo desde cero = get back to + basics.
    * reservados todos los derechos = all rights reserved.
    * resistir con todas las fuerzas = resist + with every cell in + Posesivo + body.
    * respetado por todos = widely-respected.
    * revolucionarlo todo = turn + everything upside down.
    * revolverlo todo = turn + everything upside down.
    * sacarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * sacarle faltas a todo = nitpick.
    * salir a toda prisa = make + a hasty exit.
    * seguro a todo riesgo = comprehensive insurance, all-risk insurance.
    * ser conocido por todos = be out in the open.
    * ser el centro de todas las miradas = cut + a dash.
    * ser justo con todos = give the devil his due.
    * serlo todo para todos = be all things to all men, be all things to all people.
    * ser todo corazón = have + a heart of gold.
    * ser todo oídos = be all ears.
    * ser todo un éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * ser todo ventajas = the best of both worlds.
    * ser todo vida = be all life.
    * si todo sigue igual = all (other) things being equal.
    * si todo va de acuerdo a lo planeado = all (other) things being equal.
    * sobre todas las cosas = above all things.
    * sobre todo = above all, above everything else, in particular, above all things.
    * tan amado de todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan amado por todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan querido por todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan queridos de todos = so beloved of all.
    * tenerlo todo = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tenerlo todo hecho = have + an easy ride.
    * tener todas las de perder = fight + a losing battle.
    * tener todas las posibilidades de = have + every possibility of.
    * tener todo + Nombre + a + Posesivo + disposición = have + the run of the + Nombre.
    * tener todo + Nombre + para + Pronombre = have + the run of the + Nombre.
    * tener todo un éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tienda de todo a cien = dollar store.
    * tienda que vende de todo = general store.
    * titular a toda plana = headline banner.
    * toda alma viviente = every living soul.
    * toda clase de = all sorts of.
    * toda la comunidad = the community at large.
    * toda la fuerza = full force.
    * toda la fuerza de = the full force of.
    * toda la fuerza del impacto = full force.
    * toda la noche = all night long.
    * toda la sociedad = society at large.
    * toda la trupe = in full force.
    * toda la verdad sobre = the skinny on.
    * toda la vida = from the cradle to the grave, whole lifelong, whole life.
    * todas las florituras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todas las iniciales del nombre propio = full initials.
    * todas las partes implicadas = all concerned.
    * todas las personas implicadas = all concerned.
    * todas las razones del mundo = every reason.
    * todas las semanas = weekly.
    * toda una serie de = a whole series of.
    * toda una vida = a lifetime.
    * toda una vida de experiencia = a lifetime of experience.
    * toda una vida de trabajo = a lifetime of work.
    * todo a la vez = all at once.
    * todo al mismo tiempo = all at once.
    * todo bicho viviente = every living soul, everyone and their mother, every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo confuso = in a state of disarray.
    * todo continúa como antes = life goes on as before.
    * todo cuesta algo = nothing comes without a cost.
    * todo de una vez = in one lump.
    * todo de (un) golpe = all at once.
    * todo dios = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo el año = year-round.
    * todo el cotarro = the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * todo el día = all day, all day long, around the clock.
    * todo el fin de semana = all weekend long.
    * todo el mundo = all and sundry, every Tom, Dick and Harry, everybody, each and everyone.
    * todo el mundo debe tener acceso a la información = access for all.
    * todo el peso de la ley = full force of the law, the, full force of the law, the.
    * todo el rato = all the while.
    * todo el santo día = all day long.
    * todo el tiempo = all of the time, left, right and centre, the whole time, all the while.
    * todo el tinglado = the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * todo en su conjunto = whole affair, the.
    * todo en uno = all in one.
    * todo es posible = all bets are off, the sky is the limit.
    * todo está a la vista = what you see is what you get.
    * todo esto = the whole thing.
    * todo excepto = everything except (for).
    * todo florido = in full blossom.
    * todo hijo de vecino = every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo incluido = all-inclusive.
    * todo ir bien = all + be + well with the world.
    * todo liado = in a state of disarray.
    * todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse, in marked contrast.
    * todo lo demás = all else.
    * todo lo que toca se convierte en oro = Midas touch, the.
    * todo lo relativo al personaje novelesco Holmes = Holmesiana.
    * todo lujo de detalles = chapter and verse.
    * todo marcha bien = everything is hunky-dory.
    * todo menos = everything except (for).
    * todo mindundi = every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo + Nombre = the whole + Nombre.
    * todo queda en casa = all in the family.
    * todo quisque = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo quisqui = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo recto = straight ahead, straight on.
    * todos = everybody, everyone, them all, all comers, great and small, all concerned, anyone and everyone.
    * todos a cubierta = all hands on deck!.
    * todos a la faena = all hands on deck, all hands to the pump(s).
    * todos al rescate = all hands on deck, all hands to the pump(s).
    * todo seguido = continuously, straight ahead, straight on.
    * todos ellos = them all.
    * todo ser humano = every living soul.
    * todos + estar de acuerdo = agree on + all hands.
    * todos excepto = everyone except, everybody except.
    * todos excepto + Número = all but + Número.
    * todos lo demás = everyone else.
    * todos los accesorios extras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todos los adornos extras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todos los años = on a yearly basis, year in and year out, year-on-year.
    * todos los demás = everybody else.
    * todos los derechos reservados = all rights reserved.
    * todos los días = daily, on a daily basis, every day, day in and day out.
    * todos los miembros de la agencia = agency-wide.
    * todos los otros = all of the other.
    * todos manos a la obra = all hands to the pump(s), all hands on deck.
    * todos menos = everyone except, everybody except.
    * todos menos + Número = all but + Número.
    * todos nosotros = all of us.
    * todos por igual = share and share alike.
    * todos ustedes = you all.
    * todos vosotros = you all.
    * todos y cada uno = all and sundry, in full force, each and everyone.
    * todos y cada uno de = any and every, any and all.
    * todos y cada uno de + Adjetivo + Nombre = Pronombre + every + Nombre.
    * todo tiene sus ventajas y sus inconvenientes = swings and roundabouts, what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.
    * todo tipo de = all sorts of, all manner of.
    * todo tipo de gustos = all shades of opinion.
    * todo va a las mil maravillas = everything is hunky-dory.
    * todo vale = no holds barred.
    * trabajo de toda una vida = life's work, lifework.
    * tratar por todos los medios de = take + (great) pains to.
    * tratar por todos los medios de + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.
    * Verbo + sobre todo = Verbo + the most.
    * vida a toda pastilla = life in the fast lane.
    * y lo peor de todo = and worst of all.
    * y sobre todo = and worst of all.
    * y todo este tipo de cosas = and all this sort of thing.
    * zampárselo todo = scoff + the lot.

    * * *
    (la totalidad de): invitó a toda la clase she invited the whole class
    ha estado llorando toda or todita la mañana ( fam); he's been crying all morning o the whole morning
    no lo he visto en todo el día/toda la semana I haven't seen him all day/all week
    todo el secreto consiste en usar un buen caldo the secret of the whole thing is to use good stock
    dedicó toda su vida a la investigación he dedicated his entire o whole life to research
    se recorrió todo México she traveled all over Mexico
    España toda lo acompaña the whole of Spain is with him
    deja las cosas tiradas por todos lados he leaves things lying about everywhere o all over the place
    empujó con todas sus fuerzas she pushed with all her might
    todas y cada una de las necesidades de su empresa each and every one of o all of your company's needs
    me gustan todos los deportes I like all sports
    todos ustedes lo sabían all of you knew, you all knew
    (uso enfático): a toda velocidad at top speed
    a todo correr as fast as possible
    le dieron todo tipo or toda clase de facilidades they gave him every facility
    está fuera de toda duda it's beyond all doubt
    a todo esto (mientras tanto) meanwhile, in the meantime; (a propósito) incidentally, by the way
    a todo esto, a Juan se lo habían llevado al hospital while all this was happening o meanwhile o in the meantime they had taken Juan to (the) hospital
    3 todo lo + ADJ/ADV:
    puedes hacerlo todo lo largo que quieras you can make it as long as you like
    (cualquier, cada): toda persona detenida debe ser informada de sus derechos all detainees must be informed of their rights, anyone who is detained must be informed of his or her rights
    todo artículo importado all imported items, any imported item
    todo tipo de información all kinds of information
    todo aquél que se sienta capaz anyone who feels capable
    todos los días/los jueves/los años every day/Thursday/year
    todos los primeros viernes de mes the first Friday of every month
    el/un todo the/a whole
    dos mitades forman un todo two halves make a whole
    jugarse el todo por el todo to risk o gamble everything on one throw
    1 ( en sing) everything
    lo han perdido todo they've lost everything
    a pesar de todo la sigo queriendo despite everything I still love her
    todo le parece poco he's never satisfied
    come todo lo que quieras eat as much as you like
    te puedes quedar todo lo que quieras you can stay as long as you like
    no fue todo lo interesante que pensábamos que iba a ser it wasn't as interesting as we thought it would be
    ¿eso es todo? is that all?
    se cree que lo sabe todo he thinks he knows it all
    con él siempre es o todo o nada with him it's always (a case of) all or nothing
    2 todos/todas (referidoa cosas) all; (— a personas) all, everybody
    se rompieron todos they all broke
    los compró todos she bought all of them
    vinieron todos they all came, everybody came
    son todos compañeros de clase they're all classmates
    ¿están todos? is everyone o everybody here?
    ¿estamos todos? are we all here?
    B ( en locs):
    con todo y con eso or con todo ( fam) (aun así) all the same, even so; (bien mirado) all in all
    con todo, sigo pensando que … all the same o even so I still think that …
    de todo: come de todo she'll eat anything
    venden de todo they sell everything o all sorts of things
    hace de todo un poco he does a bit of everything
    del todo totally
    está loca del todo she's completely o totally mad
    fue del todo imposible it was absolutely o totally impossible
    eso no es del todo cierto that's not entirely o totally true
    y todo: estropeado y todo, éste es mucho más valioso damaged though it is, this one is still much more valuable
    enfermo y todo, vino a trabajar sick as he was, he still came to work
    tuvo que venir la policía y todo ( fam); the police had to come and everything ( colloq)
    de todas, todas ( fam): ¿es verdad? — de todas, todas is it true? — you bet it is! ( colloq)
    ganó de todas, todas he won by a mile ( colloq)
    me las pagará/pagarás todas juntas one of these days I'll get even with him/you for all of this
    no tenerlas todas consigo to be a little worried o uneasy
    ser todo uno: verla entrar y ponerse a llorar fue todo uno he saw her come in and immediately o promptly burst into tears
    está todo mojado it's all wet
    iba toda vestida de negro she was dressed all in black
    tiene la cara toda marcada her face is badly scarred
    está toda entusiasmada con la idea del viaje she's all o terribly excited about the trip
    todo alrededor del puño all o right around the cuff
    ya es toda una señorita she's a real young lady now, she's quite a young lady now
    aquello fue todo un espectáculo that was quite a show!, that was some show!
    (indicando cualidad predominante): el pescado era todo espinas the fish was full of bones
    cuéntame, soy toda oídos tell me, I'm all ears
    por toda respuesta lanzó un bufido/me guiñó el ojo his only reply was to snort/wink at me
    * * *


    todo 1
    ◊ -da adjetivo

    1 ( la totalidad de) all;

    toda la mañana all morning, the whole morning;
    invitó a toda la clase she invited the whole class;
    por todos lados all over the place;
    todos ustedes lo sabían you all knew;
    See Also→ mundo 1
    2 (cualquier, cada):

    todo aquel que quiera anyone who wishes to;
    todos los días every day
    3 ( uso enfático):

    con toda inocencia in all innocence;
    le dieron todo tipo de facilidades they gave him all kind of facilities;
    a todo esto ( mientras tanto) meanwhile, in the meantime;

    ( a propósito) incidentally, by the way
    ■ pronombre

    todo le parece poco he's never satisfied;
    come todo lo que quieras eat as much as you like;
    todo o nada all or nothing

    todos/todas ( referido acosas) all;

    (— a personas) all, everybody;

    vinieron todos they all came, everybody came;
    buena suerte a todos good luck to everybody;
    es el más alto de todos he's the tallest of the lot o of them all;
    ¿están todos? is everyone o everybody here?;
    todos y cada uno each and every one
    2 ( en locs)

    de todo: come de todo she'll eat anything;
    venden de todo they sell everything o all sorts of things;
    hace de todo un poco he does a bit of everything;
    del todo totally
    3 ( como adv)

    todo 2 sustantivo masculino:
    el/un todo the/a whole;

    jugarse el todo por el todo to risk o gamble everything on one throw
    1 adjetivo
    1 (la totalidad: singular) all, whole: recorrió toda España, she travelled all over Spain
    toda la semana, the whole week o all week
    toda tu vida, your entire life o all your life
    2 (: plural) all: todos sus hermanos, all his brothers
    todos lo sabíamos, we all knew
    se comió todas las fresas, she ate all the strawberries
    3 (todo el mundo) todos están riendo, everybody is laughing
    4 (cada, cualquier) every: viene todos los meses, he comes every month
    todo el que desee..., anyone who wishes to...
    5 fam (intensificador) through and through: es toda una atleta, she is every inch an athlete
    II pron
    1 (sin excepciones, sin exclusiones) everything: lo compró todo, he bought it all
    lo perdió todo, he lost everything
    lo sabe todo, she knows everything
    todo son problemas, there's nothing but trouble
    eso es todo, that's all
    (todo el mundo) todos piensan que eres muy lista, everybody thinks you're very clever
    nos invitó a todos, he invited all of us
    todos y cada uno, each and every one
    III adv (por completo, totalmente) estaba todo convencido, he was entirely convinced
    estás todo mojado, you are all wet
    está todo nervioso, he's terribly o all excited
    IV sustantivo masculino todo (total, suma) whole
    en todo o en parte, in whole or in part
    All y whole tienen significados parecidos, pero se usan en estructuras diferentes. All se coloca delante de un artículo, pronombre posesivo o demostrativo, mientras que whole se coloca después: all the world, pero the whole world; all your family, pero your whole family; all this time, pero this whole time. Recuerda que no puedes usar whole sin artículo o pronombre correspondiente ni con sustantivos que indican masa (incontables). Por tanto, la traducción de todo el vino es all the wine y no the whole wine.
    El plural todos o todo el mundo se traduce por everybody o everyone. Aunque el verbo acompañante aparezca en singular, cualquier pronombre que emplees debe estar en plural: Todos deben traer sus propios bolígrafos. Everybody has to bring their (own) pens.

    ' todo' also found in these entries:
    - acabar
    - alta
    - alto
    - amén
    - anochecer
    - ante
    - arramblar
    - arriba
    - bendita
    - bendito
    - bicho
    - bocado
    - borraja
    - borrosa
    - borroso
    - bregar
    - caballero
    - cachaza
    - camino
    - carente
    - caso
    - cháchara
    - color
    - comandita
    - comerse
    - con
    - conforme
    - contrapelo
    - contraria
    - contrario
    - control
    - corazón
    - Cristo
    - cuanta
    - cuanto
    - danza
    - decir
    - delante
    - derecha
    - derecho
    - descaminada
    - descaminado
    - despojar
    - después
    - dios
    - disponer
    - empeño
    - encerrarse
    - encima
    - above-board
    - abrupt
    - ache
    - aching
    - act up
    - add up
    - agreement
    - ahead
    - aid
    - all
    - all-in
    - altogether
    - always
    - amok
    - anyhow
    - anything
    - appearance
    - as
    - backdrop
    - ball
    - be-all and end-all
    - behind
    - bend
    - best
    - blare out I
    - blast
    - blast out
    - blow
    - blunder
    - boat
    - boil down
    - bottom
    - breast
    - but
    - by
    - call
    - careless
    - character
    - checklist
    - cheese off
    - chiefly
    - clause
    - clean
    - clear up
    - colour
    - come out
    - come to
    - common
    - comprehensive
    * * *
    todo, -a
    1. [el conjunto o total de] all;
    todo el día all day;
    todo el libro the whole book, all (of) the book;
    todo el vino all (of) the wine;
    todas las manzanas all the apples;
    todos los americanos all Americans;
    toda esta planta está dedicada al impresionismo all (of) o the whole of this floor is devoted to impressionism;
    todo un día está dedicado a visitar la ciudad a whole day is devoted to visiting the city;
    todos ellos se marcharon they all left;
    toda su ilusión es conocer Europa her greatest wish is to visit Europe;
    por todas partes everywhere;
    todo el mundo, Méx [m5] todo mundo everybody;
    en todo momento at all times;
    ilustraciones a todo color full-colour illustrations;
    un seguro a todo riesgo a comprehensive insurance policy;
    subimos la calle a toda velocidad we went up the street as fast as we could o at top speed;
    todo Buenos Aires habla de ello the whole of o all of Buenos Aires is talking about it
    2. [cada, cualquier] every;
    todos los días/lunes every day/Monday;
    como todo mexicano sabe… as every Mexican knows…, as all Mexicans know…;
    todo edificio de más de veinte años pasará una revisión all buildings that are more than twenty years old will be inspected;
    todo aquel que o [m5] todo el que viole las normas anybody o anyone who breaks the rules;
    todos aquellos que o [m5] todos los que están en huelga all those (who are) on strike
    3. [para enfatizar]
    es todo un hombre he's every inch a man;
    ya es toda una mujer she's a grown woman now;
    fue todo un éxito it was a great success;
    se produjo todo un cúmulo de casualidades there was a whole series of coincidences
    4. [del todo]
    el jardín estaba todo descuidado the garden was completely o all neglected;
    se puso toda enojada she got all annoyed
    1. [singular] everything;
    lo vendió todo he sold everything, he sold it all;
    todo está listo everything is ready, it's all ready;
    todo es poco tratándose de sus hijos nothing is too much when it comes to her children;
    se enoja por todo he gets angry at the slightest thing;
    eso es todo that's all
    Esp todo a cien [tienda] Br ≈ pound shop, US ≈ nickel-and-dime store
    todos [todas las personas] everybody, everyone;
    [todas las cosas] all of them;
    todos vinieron everybody o everyone came, they all came;
    quiero agradecer a todos su cooperación I would like to thank you all o everybody o everyone for your cooperation;
    ¿estamos todos? are we all here?, is everybody o everyone here?;
    todos están rotos they're all broken, all of them are broken;
    me los ha dado todos she's given me all of them, she's given me them all
    3. [otras frases]
    ante todo [sobre todo] above all;
    [en primer lugar] first of all;
    con todo (y con eso) all the same;
    de todo everything (you can think of);
    tenemos de todo we have everything;
    puede pasar de todo anything could happen;
    después de todo after all;
    del todo completely;
    no estoy del todo contento I'm not entirely happy;
    no lo hace mal del todo she doesn't do it at all badly;
    está en todo he thinks of everything;
    pese a todo, a pesar de todo in spite of o despite everything;
    todo lo más at (the) most;
    y todo: me invitó a cenar y todo she even asked me to dinner;
    se presentó en la fiesta con muletas y todo he turned up at the party, crutches and all;
    de todas todas without a shadow of a doubt;
    fue todo uno: subirse al barco y marearse fue todo uno no sooner had he got on the boat than he felt sick
    jugarse el todo por el todo to stake everything
    el camarero era todo amabilidad the waiter was all friendliness, the waiter was extremely friendly;
    esa chica es todo huesos that girl is all skin and bones;
    soy todo oídos I'm all ears
    a todo esto loc adv
    [mientras tanto] meanwhile; [a propósito] by the way
    * * *
    I adj all;
    todos los domingos every Sunday;
    toda la clase the whole o the entire class
    II adv all;
    estaba todo sucio it was all dirty;
    con todo all the same;
    del todo entirely, absolutely
    III pron all, everything; pl everybody, everyone;
    estaban todos everybody was there;
    esto es todo cuanto sé that’s all I know
    o todo o nada all or nothing;
    de todas todas fam without a shadow of a doubt;
    ir a por todas go all out;
    estar en todo be on top of things
    * * *
    todo, -da adj
    1) : all, whole, entire
    con toda sinceridad: with all sincerity
    toda la comunidad: the whole community
    2) : every, each
    a todo nivel: at every level
    3) : maximum
    a toda velocidad: at top speed
    todo el mundo : everyone, everybody
    todo nm
    : whole
    todo, -da pron
    1) : everything, all, every bit
    lo sabe todo: he knows it all
    es todo un soldado: he's every inch a soldier
    2) todos, -das pl
    : everybody, everyone, all
    * * *
    todo1 adj
    2. (cada) every
    todo el mundo everyone / everybody
    todo2 adv all
    todo3 pron
    2. (todas las cosas) everything
    3. (toda la gente) everyone / everybody

    Spanish-English dictionary > todo

  • 9 empresa

    1 company.
    pequeña y mediana empresa small and medium-sized business
    libre empresa free enterprise
    empresa conjunta joint venture
    empresa filial subsidiary
    empresa matriz parent company
    empresa privada private company
    la empresa privada the private sector
    empresa pública public sector firm
    la empresa pública the public sector
    2 enterprise, undertaking.
    se embarcó en una peligrosa empresa he embarked on a risky enterprise o undertaking
    * * *
    1 (compañía) firm, company
    2 (dirección) management
    3 (acción) undertaking, venture
    empresa filial subsidiary company
    empresa matriz parent company
    empresa multinacional multinational company
    empresa naviera shipping company
    libre empresa free enterprise
    * * *
    noun f.
    1) company, corporation, firm, business
    2) undertaking, venture
    * * *
    1) (=tarea) enterprise
    2) (Com, Econ) (=compañía) firm, company

    empresa funeraria — undertaker's, mortician's (EEUU)

    3) (=dirección) management

    la empresa lamenta que... — the management regrets that...

    * * *
    a) ( compañía) company, firm (BrE)
    b) ( dirección) management
    2) (tarea, labor) venture, undertaking
    * * *
    a) ( compañía) company, firm (BrE)
    b) ( dirección) management
    2) (tarea, labor) venture, undertaking
    * * *
    1 = business [businesses, -pl.], commercial firm, company, corporation, firm, business enterprise, outfit, business interest, business firm, industrial firm, commercial enterprise, operating company.

    Ex: To a small or mid-sized business, information is critical for effective planning, growth and development.

    Ex: Difficulties over access to these can arise when research project has been financed by a scientific organization or commercial firm who have an interest in maintaining security.
    Ex: Among the companies offering 'Mice' are Microsoft, Vision and Apple, but more are anticipated.
    Ex: The main form of knowledge transfer and the basis for decision making within corporations has not been a paper, a document or a detailed report, but a set of overhead slides and the discussions around them.
    Ex: The European Development Fund finances projects in overseas countries for which European-based firms can supply equipment and know-how.
    Ex: The 'Books at work' project in Kalmar in southern Sweden is the result of collaboration between trade unions, business enterprises and the public library.
    Ex: The author compares the advantages and disadvantages of buying from the larger established companies and smaller outfits.
    Ex: As an example, the University of Hawaii libraries have installed an online catalogue on which they will hang a special assortment of databases that are needed by Hawaii and Pacific business interests.
    Ex: Collection and preservation of records is an expensive pursuit and the task of persuading cost conscious business firms that they ought to preserve their records is an unenviable one.
    Ex: In libraries serving industrial firms, for example, the cost of not finding information may be high; this is why 'hard headed businessmen' add to their overheads by paying for extensive library services.
    Ex: Some commercial enterprises subsidise satellite communications for academic institutions.
    Ex: In the future, these files will be made readily accessible to other Glaxo operating companies through the use of computers.
    * a cuenta de la empresa = at company expense.
    * administración de empresas = business administration.
    * admnistrador de empresa = firm administrator.
    * archivo de empresa = business archives.
    * biblioteca de empresa = commercial library, industrial library, corporate library, company library, business library.
    * bibliotecario de empresa = industrial librarian.
    * comida de empresa = company dinner.
    * como las empresas = business-like.
    * conglomerado de empresas = conglomerate.
    * contratación de personal cualificado de otras empresas = lateral hiring.
    * curso mixto de clases y práctica en la empresa = sandwich course.
    * dejar la empresa = jump + ship.
    * de la propia empresa = company-owned.
    * de toda la empresa = systemwide.
    * director de empresa = company director.
    * directorio de empresas en base de datos = corporate directory database, company directory database.
    * documentación de empresas = business record.
    * empresa afiliada = sister company.
    * empresa comercial = commercial agency, commercial vendor, commercial business, business firm.
    * empresa con solera = established player.
    * empresa consolidada = established player.
    * empresa constructora = property developer.
    * empresa consumada = established player.
    * empresa de búsqueda personalizada de ejecutivos = headhunter.
    * empresa de cobro de deudas = debt collection agency.
    * empresa de contabilidad = accounting firm.
    * empresa dedicada a la venta por correo = mail order company.
    * empresa dedicada al desarrollo de productos = product developer.
    * empresa dedicada a los sondeos de opinión = polling firm, polling agency.
    * empresa dedicada al proceso del cereal = corn processor.
    * empresa de grandes derroches = high roller.
    * empresa de investigación = research firm.
    * empresa de la limpieza = cleaning firm.
    * empresa de liempza = cleaning business.
    * empresa de limpieza = janitorial business.
    * empresa de medios de comunicación = media company.
    * empresa de mudanzas = mover.
    * empresa de nuestro grupo = sister company, sister organisation.
    * empresa de nueva creación = this sort of thing, startup [start-up].
    * empresa de ordenadores = computer company.
    * empresa de reparto de paquetes = package delivery company.
    * empresa de seguridad = security firm.
    * empresa de servicios = service organisation, service agency, service company.
    * empresa de servicios de información = information broker, broker, information broking.
    * empresa de servicio social = social utility.
    * empresa de servicios públicos = public utility, utility company.
    * empresa de solera = established player.
    * empresa de telecomunicaciones = computer bureau.
    * empresa de trabajo = industrial affiliation.
    * empresa de un grupo = operating company.
    * empresa de viajes = travel company.
    * empresa en la que sólo pueden trabajar empleados que pertenezcan a un sindic = close shop.
    * empresa farmacéutica = drug company.
    * empresa filial = subsidiary company.
    * empresa hipotecaria = mortgage company.
    * empresa industrial = industrial firm.
    * empresa organizadora de congresos = conference organiser.
    * empresa privada = private vendor, private company, private business, private firm.
    * empresa pública = civilian employer, public firm.
    * empresas americanas, las = corporate America.
    * empresa sindicada = union shop.
    * empresa televisiva = television company.
    * empresa transportadora = shipper, shipping agent.
    * en toda la empresa = company-wide, systemwide.
    * específico de las empresas = company-specific.
    * fusión de empresas = consolidation.
    * gasto de empresa = business expense.
    * gestión de empresas = business management.
    * grupo de empresas = business group.
    * guardería de la empresa = workplace crêche.
    * información sobre empresas = business intelligence.
    * intranet de empresa = corporate intranet.
    * libro de empresa = organisation manual.
    * mercado de la empresa = corporate market.
    * mundo de la empresa = business world.
    * mundo de la empresa, el = corporate world, the.
    * mundo de las empresas = business environment.
    * página web de empresa = business site, corporate site.
    * para toda la empresa = company-wide, enterprise-wide.
    * partícipe en la empresa = corporate insider.
    * patrocinado por la propia empresa = company-sponsored.
    * pequeña empresa = small business.
    * persona de la propia empresa = insider.
    * programa de prácticas en la empresa = internship program(me), internship.
    * programa mixto de clases y práctica en la empresa = sandwich programme.
    * propiedad de la empresa = company-owned.
    * PYME (Pequeña y Mediana Empresa) = SME (Small and Medium Sized Enterprise).
    * que afecta a toda la empresa = enterprise-wide.
    * sitio web de empresa = business site, corporate site.
    * trabajador cualificado contratado de otra empresa = lateral hire.
    * ya parte de la empresa = on board.

    2 = enterprise, scheme, venture, quest, operation, undertaking.

    Ex: Only those who have attempted to edit the proceedings of a conference can appreciate the magnitude and scope of such an enterprise.

    Ex: There are forty-six centres in twenty-five countries participating in the scheme.
    Ex: However rudimentary or advanced the system, and no matter what the age of the children involved, certain matters should be considered before setting out on the venture.
    Ex: It is a quest without a satisfactory conclusion - a holy grail of librarianship.
    Ex: When he was younger he really turned the library around, from a backwater, two-bit operation to the respected institution it is today.
    Ex: Since the file from 1966-1975 contains some 2,500,000 references, a search of the complete data base is a fairly large-scale undertaking.
    * empresa descabellada = fool's errand.
    * empresa próspera = success story.

    * * *
    1 (compañía) company, firm ( BrE)
    empresa filial subsidiary company
    mediano, pequeño1 (↑ pequeño (1))
    2 (dirección) management
    la empresa no se hace responsable de … the management cannot accept liability for …
    libre1 (↑ libre (1))
    public utility company, public utility
    sponsors (pl) ( of an artistic event)
    private sector company
    public sector company
    masculine and feminine (Ur) self-employed person, sole trader ( BrE)
    B (tarea, labor) venture, undertaking
    nos hemos embarcado en una arriesgada empresa we've undertaken a risky venture
    pereció en la empresa ( liter); she perished in the attempt ( liter)
    * * *


    empresa sustantivo femenino
    1 ( compañía) company, firm (BrE);

    2 (tarea, labor) venture, undertaking
    empresa sustantivo femenino
    1 Com Ind company, firm
    empresa pública, state-owned company
    2 (proyecto, tarea) undertaking, task: es una empresa muy arriesgada, it's a very risky venture
    ' empresa' also found in these entries:
    - ámbito
    - amenaza
    - asegurar
    - bacalao
    - casa
    - CEPYME
    - compañía
    - constructor
    - constructora
    - contabilidad
    - contrata
    - dar
    - decorar
    - deficitaria
    - deficitario
    - definitivamente
    - departamento
    - depurar
    - dirección
    - dirigir
    - diversificarse
    - económica
    - económico
    - ejecutiva
    - ensalzar
    - entablar
    - escala
    - escáner
    - espaldarazo
    - estatal
    - estructuración
    - forjar
    - gestión
    - hipotecar
    - hostelería
    - imagen
    - imposición
    - inspección
    - juez
    - lanzamiento
    - ligarse
    - llevar
    - mecánica
    - nacional
    - negocio
    - negrera
    - negrero
    - patrón
    - patrona
    - amount to
    - association
    - audit
    - backbone
    - bankrupt
    - base
    - be
    - being
    - boss
    - branch out
    - builder
    - business
    - by-law
    - carrier
    - climb down
    - cock-up
    - collapse
    - come in
    - company
    - creativity
    - credit bureau
    - dark horse
    - deal with
    - department
    - developer
    - disorganized
    - division
    - do
    - down-market
    - effective
    - engineer
    - enter
    - enterprise
    - equal
    - established
    - exploit
    - firm
    - fixture
    - float
    - flourish
    - go down
    - go under
    - head
    - house
    - in-house
    - insider
    - intimidate
    - launch
    - launching
    * * *
    1. [sociedad] company;
    pequeña y mediana empresa small and medium-sized business;
    prohibido fijar carteles: responsable la empresa anunciadora [en letrero] post o stick no bills: advertisers will be held liable
    empresa común joint venture;
    empresa conjunta joint venture;
    empresa filial subsidiary;
    empresa funeraria undertaker's;
    empresa júnior junior enterprise, = firm set up and run by business studies students;
    empresa libre, libre empresa free enterprise;
    empresa matriz parent company;
    empresa mixta mixed company;
    empresa privada private company;
    empresa pública public sector firm;
    empresa punto com dot.com (company);
    empresa de seguridad security firm;
    empresa de servicio público public utility, US public service corporation;
    empresa de servicios service company;
    empresa de trabajo temporal Br temping o US temp agency;
    empresa de transportes Br haulage o US trucking firm;
    Urug empresa unipersonal sole trader, one person business
    2. [dirección] management;
    las negociaciones con la empresa the negotiations with management
    3. [acción] enterprise, undertaking;
    se embarcó en una peligrosa empresa he embarked on a risky enterprise o undertaking
    * * *
    1 company;
    gran empresa large company;
    pequeña empresa small business;
    mediana empresa medium-sized business
    2 fig
    venture, undertaking
    * * *
    1) compañía, firma: company, corporation, firm
    2) : undertaking, venture
    * * *
    1. (entidad) company [pl. companies]
    2. (negocio) business [pl. businesses]

    Spanish-English dictionary > empresa

  • 10 empresa1

    1 = business [businesses, -pl.], commercial firm, company, corporation, firm, business enterprise, outfit, business interest, business firm, industrial firm, commercial enterprise, operating company.
    Ex. To a small or mid-sized business, information is critical for effective planning, growth and development.
    Ex. Difficulties over access to these can arise when research project has been financed by a scientific organization or commercial firm who have an interest in maintaining security.
    Ex. Among the companies offering 'Mice' are Microsoft, Vision and Apple, but more are anticipated.
    Ex. The main form of knowledge transfer and the basis for decision making within corporations has not been a paper, a document or a detailed report, but a set of overhead slides and the discussions around them.
    Ex. The European Development Fund finances projects in overseas countries for which European-based firms can supply equipment and know-how.
    Ex. The 'Books at work' project in Kalmar in southern Sweden is the result of collaboration between trade unions, business enterprises and the public library.
    Ex. The author compares the advantages and disadvantages of buying from the larger established companies and smaller outfits.
    Ex. As an example, the University of Hawaii libraries have installed an online catalogue on which they will hang a special assortment of databases that are needed by Hawaii and Pacific business interests.
    Ex. Collection and preservation of records is an expensive pursuit and the task of persuading cost conscious business firms that they ought to preserve their records is an unenviable one.
    Ex. In libraries serving industrial firms, for example, the cost of not finding information may be high; this is why 'hard headed businessmen' add to their overheads by paying for extensive library services.
    Ex. Some commercial enterprises subsidise satellite communications for academic institutions.
    Ex. In the future, these files will be made readily accessible to other Glaxo operating companies through the use of computers.
    * a cuenta de la empresa = at company expense.
    * administración de empresas = business administration.
    * admnistrador de empresa = firm administrator.
    * archivo de empresa = business archives.
    * biblioteca de empresa = commercial library, industrial library, corporate library, company library, business library.
    * bibliotecario de empresa = industrial librarian.
    * comida de empresa = company dinner.
    * como las empresas = business-like.
    * conglomerado de empresas = conglomerate.
    * contratación de personal cualificado de otras empresas = lateral hiring.
    * curso mixto de clases y práctica en la empresa = sandwich course.
    * dejar la empresa = jump + ship.
    * de la propia empresa = company-owned.
    * de toda la empresa = systemwide.
    * director de empresa = company director.
    * directorio de empresas en base de datos = corporate directory database, company directory database.
    * documentación de empresas = business record.
    * empresa afiliada = sister company.
    * empresa comercial = commercial agency, commercial vendor, commercial business, business firm.
    * empresa con solera = established player.
    * empresa consolidada = established player.
    * empresa constructora = property developer.
    * empresa consumada = established player.
    * empresa de búsqueda personalizada de ejecutivos = headhunter.
    * empresa de cobro de deudas = debt collection agency.
    * empresa de contabilidad = accounting firm.
    * empresa dedicada a la venta por correo = mail order company.
    * empresa dedicada al desarrollo de productos = product developer.
    * empresa dedicada a los sondeos de opinión = polling firm, polling agency.
    * empresa dedicada al proceso del cereal = corn processor.
    * empresa de grandes derroches = high roller.
    * empresa de investigación = research firm.
    * empresa de la limpieza = cleaning firm.
    * empresa de liempza = cleaning business.
    * empresa de limpieza = janitorial business.
    * empresa de medios de comunicación = media company.
    * empresa de mudanzas = mover.
    * empresa de nuestro grupo = sister company, sister organisation.
    * empresa de nueva creación = this sort of thing, startup [start-up].
    * empresa de ordenadores = computer company.
    * empresa de reparto de paquetes = package delivery company.
    * empresa de seguridad = security firm.
    * empresa de servicios = service organisation, service agency, service company.
    * empresa de servicios de información = information broker, broker, information broking.
    * empresa de servicio social = social utility.
    * empresa de servicios públicos = public utility, utility company.
    * empresa de solera = established player.
    * empresa de telecomunicaciones = computer bureau.
    * empresa de trabajo = industrial affiliation.
    * empresa de un grupo = operating company.
    * empresa de viajes = travel company.
    * empresa en la que sólo pueden trabajar empleados que pertenezcan a un sindic = close shop.
    * empresa farmacéutica = drug company.
    * empresa filial = subsidiary company.
    * empresa hipotecaria = mortgage company.
    * empresa industrial = industrial firm.
    * empresa organizadora de congresos = conference organiser.
    * empresa privada = private vendor, private company, private business, private firm.
    * empresa pública = civilian employer, public firm.
    * empresas americanas, las = corporate America.
    * empresa sindicada = union shop.
    * empresa televisiva = television company.
    * empresa transportadora = shipper, shipping agent.
    * en toda la empresa = company-wide, systemwide.
    * específico de las empresas = company-specific.
    * fusión de empresas = consolidation.
    * gasto de empresa = business expense.
    * gestión de empresas = business management.
    * grupo de empresas = business group.
    * guardería de la empresa = workplace crêche.
    * información sobre empresas = business intelligence.
    * intranet de empresa = corporate intranet.
    * libro de empresa = organisation manual.
    * mercado de la empresa = corporate market.
    * mundo de la empresa = business world.
    * mundo de la empresa, el = corporate world, the.
    * mundo de las empresas = business environment.
    * página web de empresa = business site, corporate site.
    * para toda la empresa = company-wide, enterprise-wide.
    * partícipe en la empresa = corporate insider.
    * patrocinado por la propia empresa = company-sponsored.
    * pequeña empresa = small business.
    * persona de la propia empresa = insider.
    * programa de prácticas en la empresa = internship program(me), internship.
    * programa mixto de clases y práctica en la empresa = sandwich programme.
    * propiedad de la empresa = company-owned.
    * PYME (Pequeña y Mediana Empresa) = SME (Small and Medium Sized Enterprise).
    * que afecta a toda la empresa = enterprise-wide.
    * sitio web de empresa = business site, corporate site.
    * trabajador cualificado contratado de otra empresa = lateral hire.
    * ya parte de la empresa = on board.

    Spanish-English dictionary > empresa1

  • 11 модульный центр обработки данных (ЦОД)

    1. modular data center


    модульный центр обработки данных (ЦОД)

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    [ http://loosebolts.wordpress.com/2008/12/02/our-vision-for-generation-4-modular-data-centers-one-way-of-getting-it-just-right/]

    [ http://dcnt.ru/?p=9299#more-9299]

    Data Centers are a hot topic these days. No matter where you look, this once obscure aspect of infrastructure is getting a lot of attention. For years, there have been cost pressures on IT operations and this, when the need for modern capacity is greater than ever, has thrust data centers into the spotlight. Server and rack density continues to rise, placing DC professionals and businesses in tighter and tougher situations while they struggle to manage their IT environments. And now hyper-scale cloud infrastructure is taking traditional technologies to limits never explored before and focusing the imagination of the IT industry on new possibilities.

    В настоящее время центры обработки данных являются широко обсуждаемой темой. Куда ни посмотришь, этот некогда малоизвестный аспект инфраструктуры привлекает все больше внимания. Годами ИТ-отделы испытывали нехватку средств и это выдвинуло ЦОДы в центр внимания, в то время, когда необходимость в современных ЦОДах стала как никогда высокой. Плотность серверов и стоек продолжают расти, все больше усложняя ситуацию для специалистов в области охлаждения и организаций в их попытках управлять своими ИТ-средами. И теперь гипермасштабируемая облачная инфраструктура подвергает традиционные технологии невиданным ранее нагрузкам, и заставляет ИТ-индустрию искать новые возможности.

    At Microsoft, we have focused a lot of thought and research around how to best operate and maintain our global infrastructure and we want to share those learnings. While obviously there are some aspects that we keep to ourselves, we have shared how we operate facilities daily, our technologies and methodologies, and, most importantly, how we monitor and manage our facilities. Whether it’s speaking at industry events, inviting customers to our “Microsoft data center conferences” held in our data centers, or through other media like blogging and white papers, we believe sharing best practices is paramount and will drive the industry forward. So in that vein, we have some interesting news to share.

    В компании MicroSoft уделяют большое внимание изучению наилучших методов эксплуатации и технического обслуживания своей глобальной инфраструктуры и делятся результатами своих исследований. И хотя мы, конечно, не раскрываем некоторые аспекты своих исследований, мы делимся повседневным опытом эксплуатации дата-центров, своими технологиями и методологиями и, что важнее всего, методами контроля и управления своими объектами. Будь то доклады на отраслевых событиях, приглашение клиентов на наши конференции, которые посвящены центрам обработки данных MicroSoft, и проводятся в этих самых дата-центрах, или использование других средств, например, блоги и спецификации, мы уверены, что обмен передовым опытом имеет первостепенное значение и будет продвигать отрасль вперед.

    Today we are sharing our Generation 4 Modular Data Center plan. This is our vision and will be the foundation of our cloud data center infrastructure in the next five years. We believe it is one of the most revolutionary changes to happen to data centers in the last 30 years. Joining me, in writing this blog are Daniel Costello, my director of Data Center Research and Engineering and Christian Belady, principal power and cooling architect. I feel their voices will add significant value to driving understanding around the many benefits included in this new design paradigm.

    Сейчас мы хотим поделиться своим планом модульного дата-центра четвертого поколения. Это наше видение и оно будет основанием для инфраструктуры наших облачных дата-центров в ближайшие пять лет. Мы считаем, что это одно из самых революционных изменений в дата-центрах за последние 30 лет. Вместе со мной в написании этого блога участвовали Дэниел Костелло, директор по исследованиям и инжинирингу дата-центров, и Кристиан Белади, главный архитектор систем энергоснабжения и охлаждения. Мне кажется, что их авторитет придаст больше веса большому количеству преимуществ, включенных в эту новую парадигму проектирования.

    Our “Gen 4” modular data centers will take the flexibility of containerized servers—like those in our Chicago data center—and apply it across the entire facility. So what do we mean by modular? Think of it like “building blocks”, where the data center will be composed of modular units of prefabricated mechanical, electrical, security components, etc., in addition to containerized servers.

    Was there a key driver for the Generation 4 Data Center?

    Наши модульные дата-центры “Gen 4” будут гибкими с контейнерами серверов – как серверы в нашем чикагском дата-центре. И гибкость будет применяться ко всему ЦОД. Итак, что мы подразумеваем под модульностью? Мы думаем о ней как о “строительных блоках”, где дата-центр будет состоять из модульных блоков изготовленных в заводских условиях электрических систем и систем охлаждения, а также систем безопасности и т.п., в дополнение к контейнеризованным серверам.
    Был ли ключевой стимул для разработки дата-центра четвертого поколения?

    If we were to summarize the promise of our Gen 4 design into a single sentence it would be something like this: “A highly modular, scalable, efficient, just-in-time data center capacity program that can be delivered anywhere in the world very quickly and cheaply, while allowing for continued growth as required.” Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, keep in mind that these concepts have been in initial development and prototyping for over a year and are based on cumulative knowledge of previous facility generations and the advances we have made since we began our investments in earnest on this new design.

    Если бы нам нужно было обобщить достоинства нашего проекта Gen 4 в одном предложении, это выглядело бы следующим образом: “Центр обработки данных с высоким уровнем модульности, расширяемости, и энергетической эффективности, а также возможностью постоянного расширения, в случае необходимости, который можно очень быстро и дешево развертывать в любом месте мира”. Звучит слишком хорошо для того чтобы быть правдой, не так ли? Ну, не забывайте, что эти концепции находились в процессе начальной разработки и создания опытного образца в течение более одного года и основываются на опыте, накопленном в ходе развития предыдущих поколений ЦОД, а также успехах, сделанных нами со времени, когда мы начали вкладывать серьезные средства в этот новый проект.

    One of the biggest challenges we’ve had at Microsoft is something Mike likes to call the ‘Goldilock’s Problem’. In a nutshell, the problem can be stated as:

    The worst thing we can do in delivering facilities for the business is not have enough capacity online, thus limiting the growth of our products and services.

    Одну из самых больших проблем, с которыми приходилось сталкиваться Майкрософт, Майк любит называть ‘Проблемой Лютика’. Вкратце, эту проблему можно выразить следующим образом:

    Самое худшее, что может быть при строительстве ЦОД для бизнеса, это не располагать достаточными производственными мощностями, и тем самым ограничивать рост наших продуктов и сервисов.

    The second worst thing we can do in delivering facilities for the business is to have too much capacity online.

    А вторым самым худшим моментом в этой сфере может слишком большое количество производственных мощностей.

    This has led to a focus on smart, intelligent growth for the business — refining our overall demand picture. It can’t be too hot. It can’t be too cold. It has to be ‘Just Right!’ The capital dollars of investment are too large to make without long term planning. As we struggled to master these interesting challenges, we had to ensure that our technological plan also included solutions for the business and operational challenges we faced as well.
    So let’s take a high level look at our Generation 4 design

    Это заставило нас сосредоточиваться на интеллектуальном росте для бизнеса — refining our overall demand picture. Это не должно быть слишком горячим. И это не должно быть слишком холодным. Это должно быть ‘как раз, таким как надо!’ Нельзя делать такие большие капиталовложения без долгосрочного планирования. Пока мы старались решить эти интересные проблемы, мы должны были гарантировать, что наш технологический план будет также включать решения для коммерческих и эксплуатационных проблем, с которыми нам также приходилось сталкиваться.
    Давайте рассмотрим наш проект дата-центра четвертого поколения

    Are you ready for some great visuals? Check out this video at Soapbox. Click here for the Microsoft 4th Gen Video.

    It’s a concept video that came out of my Data Center Research and Engineering team, under Daniel Costello, that will give you a view into what we think is the future.

    From a configuration, construct-ability and time to market perspective, our primary goals and objectives are to modularize the whole data center. Not just the server side (like the Chicago facility), but the mechanical and electrical space as well. This means using the same kind of parts in pre-manufactured modules, the ability to use containers, skids, or rack-based deployments and the ability to tailor the Redundancy and Reliability requirements to the application at a very specific level.

    Посмотрите это видео, перейдите по ссылке для просмотра видео о Microsoft 4th Gen:

    Это концептуальное видео, созданное командой отдела Data Center Research and Engineering, возглавляемого Дэниелом Костелло, которое даст вам наше представление о будущем.

    С точки зрения конфигурации, строительной технологичности и времени вывода на рынок, нашими главными целями и задачами агрегатирование всего дата-центра. Не только серверную часть, как дата-центр в Чикаго, но также системы охлаждения и электрические системы. Это означает применение деталей одного типа в сборных модулях, возможность использования контейнеров, салазок, или стоечных систем, а также возможность подстраивать требования избыточности и надежности для данного приложения на очень специфичном уровне.

    Our goals from a cost perspective were simple in concept but tough to deliver. First and foremost, we had to reduce the capital cost per critical Mega Watt by the class of use. Some applications can run with N-level redundancy in the infrastructure, others require a little more infrastructure for support. These different classes of infrastructure requirements meant that optimizing for all cost classes was paramount. At Microsoft, we are not a one trick pony and have many Online products and services (240+) that require different levels of operational support. We understand that and ensured that we addressed it in our design which will allow us to reduce capital costs by 20%-40% or greater depending upon class.

    Нашими целями в области затрат были концептуально простыми, но трудно реализуемыми. В первую очередь мы должны были снизить капитальные затраты в пересчете на один мегаватт, в зависимости от класса резервирования. Некоторые приложения могут вполне работать на базе инфраструктуры с резервированием на уровне N, то есть без резервирования, а для работы других приложений требуется больше инфраструктуры. Эти разные классы требований инфраструктуры подразумевали, что оптимизация всех классов затрат имеет преобладающее значение. В Майкрософт мы не ограничиваемся одним решением и располагаем большим количеством интерактивных продуктов и сервисов (240+), которым требуются разные уровни эксплуатационной поддержки. Мы понимаем это, и учитываем это в своем проекте, который позволит нам сокращать капитальные затраты на 20%-40% или более в зависимости от класса.

    For example, non-critical or geo redundant applications have low hardware reliability requirements on a location basis. As a result, Gen 4 can be configured to provide stripped down, low-cost infrastructure with little or no redundancy and/or temperature control. Let’s say an Online service team decides that due to the dramatically lower cost, they will simply use uncontrolled outside air with temperatures ranging 10-35 C and 20-80% RH. The reality is we are already spec-ing this for all of our servers today and working with server vendors to broaden that range even further as Gen 4 becomes a reality. For this class of infrastructure, we eliminate generators, chillers, UPSs, and possibly lower costs relative to traditional infrastructure.

    Например, некритичные или гео-избыточные системы имеют низкие требования к аппаратной надежности на основе местоположения. В результате этого, Gen 4 можно конфигурировать для упрощенной, недорогой инфраструктуры с низким уровнем (или вообще без резервирования) резервирования и / или температурного контроля. Скажем, команда интерактивного сервиса решает, что, в связи с намного меньшими затратами, они будут просто использовать некондиционированный наружный воздух с температурой 10-35°C и влажностью 20-80% RH. В реальности мы уже сегодня предъявляем эти требования к своим серверам и работаем с поставщиками серверов над еще большим расширением диапазона температур, так как наш модуль и подход Gen 4 становится реальностью. Для подобного класса инфраструктуры мы удаляем генераторы, чиллеры, ИБП, и, возможно, будем предлагать более низкие затраты, по сравнению с традиционной инфраструктурой.

    Applications that demand higher level of redundancy or temperature control will use configurations of Gen 4 to meet those needs, however, they will also cost more (but still less than traditional data centers). We see this cost difference driving engineering behavioral change in that we predict more applications will drive towards Geo redundancy to lower costs.

    Системы, которым требуется более высокий уровень резервирования или температурного контроля, будут использовать конфигурации Gen 4, отвечающие этим требованиям, однако, они будут также стоить больше. Но все равно они будут стоить меньше, чем традиционные дата-центры. Мы предвидим, что эти различия в затратах будут вызывать изменения в методах инжиниринга, и по нашим прогнозам, это будет выражаться в переходе все большего числа систем на гео-избыточность и меньшие затраты.

    Another cool thing about Gen 4 is that it allows us to deploy capacity when our demand dictates it. Once finalized, we will no longer need to make large upfront investments. Imagine driving capital costs more closely in-line with actual demand, thus greatly reducing time-to-market and adding the capacity Online inherent in the design. Also reduced is the amount of construction labor required to put these “building blocks” together. Since the entire platform requires pre-manufacture of its core components, on-site construction costs are lowered. This allows us to maximize our return on invested capital.

    Еще одно достоинство Gen 4 состоит в том, что он позволяет нам разворачивать дополнительные мощности, когда нам это необходимо. Как только мы закончим проект, нам больше не нужно будет делать большие начальные капиталовложения. Представьте себе возможность более точного согласования капитальных затрат с реальными требованиями, и тем самым значительного снижения времени вывода на рынок и интерактивного добавления мощностей, предусматриваемого проектом. Также снижен объем строительных работ, требуемых для сборки этих “строительных блоков”. Поскольку вся платформа требует предварительного изготовления ее базовых компонентов, затраты на сборку также снижены. Это позволит нам увеличить до максимума окупаемость своих капиталовложений.
    Мы все подвергаем сомнению

    In our design process, we questioned everything. You may notice there is no roof and some might be uncomfortable with this. We explored the need of one and throughout our research we got some surprising (positive) results that showed one wasn’t needed.

    В своем процессе проектирования мы все подвергаем сомнению. Вы, наверное, обратили внимание на отсутствие крыши, и некоторым специалистам это могло не понравиться. Мы изучили необходимость в крыше и в ходе своих исследований получили удивительные результаты, которые показали, что крыша не нужна.
    Серийное производство дата центров

    In short, we are striving to bring Henry Ford’s Model T factory to the data center. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Ford#Model_T. Gen 4 will move data centers from a custom design and build model to a commoditized manufacturing approach. We intend to have our components built in factories and then assemble them in one location (the data center site) very quickly. Think about how a computer, car or plane is built today. Components are manufactured by different companies all over the world to a predefined spec and then integrated in one location based on demands and feature requirements. And just like Henry Ford’s assembly line drove the cost of building and the time-to-market down dramatically for the automobile industry, we expect Gen 4 to do the same for data centers. Everything will be pre-manufactured and assembled on the pad.

    Мы хотим применить модель автомобильной фабрики Генри Форда к дата-центру. Проект Gen 4 будет способствовать переходу от модели специализированного проектирования и строительства к товарно-производственному, серийному подходу. Мы намерены изготавливать свои компоненты на заводах, а затем очень быстро собирать их в одном месте, в месте строительства дата-центра. Подумайте о том, как сегодня изготавливается компьютер, автомобиль или самолет. Компоненты изготавливаются по заранее определенным спецификациям разными компаниями во всем мире, затем собираются в одном месте на основе спроса и требуемых характеристик. И точно так же как сборочный конвейер Генри Форда привел к значительному уменьшению затрат на производство и времени вывода на рынок в автомобильной промышленности, мы надеемся, что Gen 4 сделает то же самое для дата-центров. Все будет предварительно изготавливаться и собираться на месте.
    Невероятно энергоэффективный ЦОД

    And did we mention that this platform will be, overall, incredibly energy efficient? From a total energy perspective not only will we have remarkable PUE values, but the total cost of energy going into the facility will be greatly reduced as well. How much energy goes into making concrete? Will we need as much of it? How much energy goes into the fuel of the construction vehicles? This will also be greatly reduced! A key driver is our goal to achieve an average PUE at or below 1.125 by 2012 across our data centers. More than that, we are on a mission to reduce the overall amount of copper and water used in these facilities. We believe these will be the next areas of industry attention when and if the energy problem is solved. So we are asking today…“how can we build a data center with less building”?

    А мы упоминали, что эта платформа будет, в общем, невероятно энергоэффективной? С точки зрения общей энергии, мы получим не только поразительные значения PUE, но общая стоимость энергии, затраченной на объект будет также значительно снижена. Сколько энергии идет на производство бетона? Нам нужно будет столько энергии? Сколько энергии идет на питание инженерных строительных машин? Это тоже будет значительно снижено! Главным стимулом является достижение среднего PUE не больше 1.125 для всех наших дата-центров к 2012 году. Более того, у нас есть задача сокращения общего количества меди и воды в дата-центрах. Мы думаем, что эти задачи станут следующей заботой отрасли после того как будет решена энергетическая проблема. Итак, сегодня мы спрашиваем себя…“как можно построить дата-центр с меньшим объемом строительных работ”?
    Строительство дата центров без чиллеров

    We have talked openly and publicly about building chiller-less data centers and running our facilities using aggressive outside economization. Our sincerest hope is that Gen 4 will completely eliminate the use of water. Today’s data centers use massive amounts of water and we see water as the next scarce resource and have decided to take a proactive stance on making water conservation part of our plan.

    Мы открыто и публично говорили о строительстве дата-центров без чиллеров и активном использовании в наших центрах обработки данных технологий свободного охлаждения или фрикулинга. Мы искренне надеемся, что Gen 4 позволит полностью отказаться от использования воды. Современные дата-центры расходуют большие объемы воды и так как мы считаем воду следующим редким ресурсом, мы решили принять упреждающие меры и включить экономию воды в свой план.

    By sharing this with the industry, we believe everyone can benefit from our methodology. While this concept and approach may be intimidating (or downright frightening) to some in the industry, disclosure ultimately is better for all of us.

    Делясь этим опытом с отраслью, мы считаем, что каждый сможет извлечь выгоду из нашей методологией. Хотя эта концепция и подход могут показаться пугающими (или откровенно страшными) для некоторых отраслевых специалистов, раскрывая свои планы мы, в конечном счете, делаем лучше для всех нас.

    Gen 4 design (even more than just containers), could reduce the ‘religious’ debates in our industry. With the central spine infrastructure in place, containers or pre-manufactured server halls can be either AC or DC, air-side economized or water-side economized, or not economized at all (though the sanity of that might be questioned). Gen 4 will allow us to decommission, repair and upgrade quickly because everything is modular. No longer will we be governed by the initial decisions made when constructing the facility. We will have almost unlimited use and re-use of the facility and site. We will also be able to use power in an ultra-fluid fashion moving load from critical to non-critical as use and capacity requirements dictate.

    Проект Gen 4 позволит уменьшить ‘религиозные’ споры в нашей отрасли. Располагая базовой инфраструктурой, контейнеры или сборные серверные могут оборудоваться системами переменного или постоянного тока, воздушными или водяными экономайзерами, или вообще не использовать экономайзеры. Хотя можно подвергать сомнению разумность такого решения. Gen 4 позволит нам быстро выполнять работы по выводу из эксплуатации, ремонту и модернизации, поскольку все будет модульным. Мы больше не будем руководствоваться начальными решениями, принятыми во время строительства дата-центра. Мы сможем использовать этот дата-центр и инфраструктуру в течение почти неограниченного периода времени. Мы также сможем применять сверхгибкие методы использования электрической энергии, переводя оборудование в режимы критической или некритической нагрузки в соответствии с требуемой мощностью.
    Gen 4 – это стандартная платформа

    Finally, we believe this is a big game changer. Gen 4 will provide a standard platform that our industry can innovate around. For example, all modules in our Gen 4 will have common interfaces clearly defined by our specs and any vendor that meets these specifications will be able to plug into our infrastructure. Whether you are a computer vendor, UPS vendor, generator vendor, etc., you will be able to plug and play into our infrastructure. This means we can also source anyone, anywhere on the globe to minimize costs and maximize performance. We want to help motivate the industry to further innovate—with innovations from which everyone can reap the benefits.

    Наконец, мы уверены, что это будет фактором, который значительно изменит ситуацию. Gen 4 будет представлять собой стандартную платформу, которую отрасль сможет обновлять. Например, все модули в нашем Gen 4 будут иметь общепринятые интерфейсы, четко определяемые нашими спецификациями, и оборудование любого поставщика, которое отвечает этим спецификациям можно будет включать в нашу инфраструктуру. Независимо от того производите вы компьютеры, ИБП, генераторы и т.п., вы сможете включать свое оборудование нашу инфраструктуру. Это означает, что мы также сможем обеспечивать всех, в любом месте земного шара, тем самым сводя до минимума затраты и максимальной увеличивая производительность. Мы хотим создать в отрасли мотивацию для дальнейших инноваций – инноваций, от которых каждый сможет получать выгоду.
    Главные характеристики дата-центров четвертого поколения Gen4

    To summarize, the key characteristics of our Generation 4 data centers are:

    Plug-and-play spine infrastructure
    Factory pre-assembled: Pre-Assembled Containers (PACs) & Pre-Manufactured Buildings (PMBs)
    Rapid deployment
    Reduce TTM
    Reduced construction
    Sustainable measures

    Ниже приведены главные характеристики дата-центров четвертого поколения Gen 4:

    Готовая к использованию базовая инфраструктура;
    Изготовление в заводских условиях: сборные контейнеры (PAC) и сборные здания (PMB);
    Быстрота развертывания;
    Возможность демонтажа;
    Снижение времени вывода на рынок (TTM);
    Сокращение сроков строительства;

    Map applications to DC Class

    We hope you join us on this incredible journey of change and innovation!

    Long hours of research and engineering time are invested into this process. There are still some long days and nights ahead, but the vision is clear. Rest assured however, that we as refine Generation 4, the team will soon be looking to Generation 5 (even if it is a bit farther out). There is always room to get better.

    Использование систем электропитания постоянного тока.

    Мы надеемся, что вы присоединитесь к нам в этом невероятном путешествии по миру изменений и инноваций!

    На этот проект уже потрачены долгие часы исследований и проектирования. И еще предстоит потратить много дней и ночей, но мы имеем четкое представление о конечной цели. Однако будьте уверены, что как только мы доведем до конца проект модульного дата-центра четвертого поколения, мы вскоре начнем думать о проекте дата-центра пятого поколения. Всегда есть возможность для улучшений.

    So if you happen to come across Goldilocks in the forest, and you are curious as to why she is smiling you will know that she feels very good about getting very close to ‘JUST RIGHT’.

    Generations of Evolution – some background on our data center designs

    Так что, если вы встретите в лесу девочку по имени Лютик, и вам станет любопытно, почему она улыбается, вы будете знать, что она очень довольна тем, что очень близко подошла к ‘ОПИМАЛЬНОМУ РЕШЕНИЮ’.
    Поколения эволюции – история развития наших дата-центров

    We thought you might be interested in understanding what happened in the first three generations of our data center designs. When Ray Ozzie wrote his Software plus Services memo it posed a very interesting challenge to us. The winds of change were at ‘tornado’ proportions. That “plus Services” tag had some significant (and unstated) challenges inherent to it. The first was that Microsoft was going to evolve even further into an operations company. While we had been running large scale Internet services since 1995, this development lead us to an entirely new level. Additionally, these “services” would span across both Internet and Enterprise businesses. To those of you who have to operate “stuff”, you know that these are two very different worlds in operational models and challenges. It also meant that, to achieve the same level of reliability and performance required our infrastructure was going to have to scale globally and in a significant way.

    Мы подумали, что может быть вам будет интересно узнать историю первых трех поколений наших центров обработки данных. Когда Рэй Оззи написал свою памятную записку Software plus Services, он поставил перед нами очень интересную задачу. Ветра перемен двигались с ураганной скоростью. Это окончание “plus Services” скрывало в себе какие-то значительные и неопределенные задачи. Первая заключалась в том, что Майкрософт собиралась в еще большей степени стать операционной компанией. Несмотря на то, что мы управляли большими интернет-сервисами, начиная с 1995 г., эта разработка подняла нас на абсолютно новый уровень. Кроме того, эти “сервисы” охватывали интернет-компании и корпорации. Тем, кому приходится всем этим управлять, известно, что есть два очень разных мира в области операционных моделей и задач. Это также означало, что для достижения такого же уровня надежности и производительности требовалось, чтобы наша инфраструктура располагала значительными возможностями расширения в глобальных масштабах.

    It was that intense atmosphere of change that we first started re-evaluating data center technology and processes in general and our ideas began to reach farther than what was accepted by the industry at large. This was the era of Generation 1. As we look at where most of the world’s data centers are today (and where our facilities were), it represented all the known learning and design requirements that had been in place since IBM built the first purpose-built computer room. These facilities focused more around uptime, reliability and redundancy. Big infrastructure was held accountable to solve all potential environmental shortfalls. This is where the majority of infrastructure in the industry still is today.

    Именно в этой атмосфере серьезных изменений мы впервые начали переоценку ЦОД-технологий и технологий вообще, и наши идеи начали выходить за пределы общепринятых в отрасли представлений. Это была эпоха ЦОД первого поколения. Когда мы узнали, где сегодня располагается большинство мировых дата-центров и где находятся наши предприятия, это представляло весь опыт и навыки проектирования, накопленные со времени, когда IBM построила первую серверную. В этих ЦОД больше внимания уделялось бесперебойной работе, надежности и резервированию. Большая инфраструктура была призвана решать все потенциальные экологические проблемы. Сегодня большая часть инфраструктуры все еще находится на этом этапе своего развития.

    We soon realized that traditional data centers were quickly becoming outdated. They were not keeping up with the demands of what was happening technologically and environmentally. That’s when we kicked off our Generation 2 design. Gen 2 facilities started taking into account sustainability, energy efficiency, and really looking at the total cost of energy and operations.

    Очень быстро мы поняли, что стандартные дата-центры очень быстро становятся устаревшими. Они не поспевали за темпами изменений технологических и экологических требований. Именно тогда мы стали разрабатывать ЦОД второго поколения. В этих дата-центрах Gen 2 стали принимать во внимание такие факторы как устойчивое развитие, энергетическая эффективность, а также общие энергетические и эксплуатационные.

    No longer did we view data centers just for the upfront capital costs, but we took a hard look at the facility over the course of its life. Our Quincy, Washington and San Antonio, Texas facilities are examples of our Gen 2 data centers where we explored and implemented new ways to lessen the impact on the environment. These facilities are considered two leading industry examples, based on their energy efficiency and ability to run and operate at new levels of scale and performance by leveraging clean hydro power (Quincy) and recycled waste water (San Antonio) to cool the facility during peak cooling months.

    Мы больше не рассматривали дата-центры только с точки зрения начальных капитальных затрат, а внимательно следили за работой ЦОД на протяжении его срока службы. Наши объекты в Куинси, Вашингтоне, и Сан-Антонио, Техас, являются образцами наших ЦОД второго поколения, в которых мы изучали и применяли на практике новые способы снижения воздействия на окружающую среду. Эти объекты считаются двумя ведущими отраслевыми примерами, исходя из их энергетической эффективности и способности работать на новых уровнях производительности, основанных на использовании чистой энергии воды (Куинси) и рециклирования отработанной воды (Сан-Антонио) для охлаждения объекта в самых жарких месяцах.

    As we were delivering our Gen 2 facilities into steel and concrete, our Generation 3 facilities were rapidly driving the evolution of the program. The key concepts for our Gen 3 design are increased modularity and greater concentration around energy efficiency and scale. The Gen 3 facility will be best represented by the Chicago, Illinois facility currently under construction. This facility will seem very foreign compared to the traditional data center concepts most of the industry is comfortable with. In fact, if you ever sit around in our container hanger in Chicago it will look incredibly different from a traditional raised-floor data center. We anticipate this modularization will drive huge efficiencies in terms of cost and operations for our business. We will also introduce significant changes in the environmental systems used to run our facilities. These concepts and processes (where applicable) will help us gain even greater efficiencies in our existing footprint, allowing us to further maximize infrastructure investments.

    Так как наши ЦОД второго поколения строились из стали и бетона, наши центры обработки данных третьего поколения начали их быстро вытеснять. Главными концептуальными особенностями ЦОД третьего поколения Gen 3 являются повышенная модульность и большее внимание к энергетической эффективности и масштабированию. Дата-центры третьего поколения лучше всего представлены объектом, который в настоящее время строится в Чикаго, Иллинойс. Этот ЦОД будет выглядеть очень необычно, по сравнению с общепринятыми в отрасли представлениями о дата-центре. Действительно, если вам когда-либо удастся побывать в нашем контейнерном ангаре в Чикаго, он покажется вам совершенно непохожим на обычный дата-центр с фальшполом. Мы предполагаем, что этот модульный подход будет способствовать значительному повышению эффективности нашего бизнеса в отношении затрат и операций. Мы также внесем существенные изменения в климатические системы, используемые в наших ЦОД. Эти концепции и технологии, если применимо, позволят нам добиться еще большей эффективности наших существующих дата-центров, и тем самым еще больше увеличивать капиталовложения в инфраструктуру.

    This is definitely a journey, not a destination industry. In fact, our Generation 4 design has been under heavy engineering for viability and cost for over a year. While the demand of our commercial growth required us to make investments as we grew, we treated each step in the learning as a process for further innovation in data centers. The design for our future Gen 4 facilities enabled us to make visionary advances that addressed the challenges of building, running, and operating facilities all in one concerted effort.

    Это определенно путешествие, а не конечный пункт назначения. На самом деле, наш проект ЦОД четвертого поколения подвергался серьезным испытаниям на жизнеспособность и затраты на протяжении целого года. Хотя необходимость в коммерческом росте требовала от нас постоянных капиталовложений, мы рассматривали каждый этап своего развития как шаг к будущим инновациям в области дата-центров. Проект наших будущих ЦОД четвертого поколения Gen 4 позволил нам делать фантастические предположения, которые касались задач строительства, управления и эксплуатации объектов как единого упорядоченного процесса.




    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > модульный центр обработки данных (ЦОД)

  • 12 empresa industrial

    industrial enterprise, manufacturing concern, industrial company.
    * * *
    Ex. In libraries serving industrial firms, for example, the cost of not finding information may be high; this is why 'hard headed businessmen' add to their overheads by paying for extensive library services.
    * * *

    Ex: In libraries serving industrial firms, for example, the cost of not finding information may be high; this is why 'hard headed businessmen' add to their overheads by paying for extensive library services.

    Spanish-English dictionary > empresa industrial

  • 13 māximus

        māximus    [1 MAC-].—Of size, large, great, big, high, tall, long, broad, extensive, spacious: fons, S.: aedificium: urbs: solitudines, S.: simulacrum facere maius: oppidum non maximum maximis locis decoravit: aquae magnae fuerunt, inundations, L.: Maior (belua) dimidio, by half, H.: maior videri (Scylla), statelier, V.: Calceus pede maior, too large for, H.: onus parvo corpore maius, H.—Of number or quantity, great, large, abundant, considerable, much: numerus frumenti: copia pabuli, Cs.: maiorem pecuniam polliceri: tibi praeda cedat Maior an illi, i. e. the victor's spoils, H.: populus, V.: tribunorum pars maior, the majority, L.: turba clientium maior, more numerous, H.: maximum pondus auri: Si maiorem feci rem, increased my estate, H.—Of value, great, large, considerable: magni preti servi: ager preti maioris, T.: magna munera et maiora promissa, S.: cuius auctoritas magni habebatur, was highly esteemed, Cs.: qui auctoritatem magni putet, esteems highly: quem tu Non magni pendis, H.: multo maioris vēnire, dearer, Ph.: quorum longe maximi consilia fuerunt, most valuable: haec te semper fecit maxumi, prized most highly, T.: conduxit non magno domum, at no high price: magno illi ea cunctatio stetit, cost him dear, L.—Of force, strong, powerful, vehement, loud: manu magnā euntem Inpulit, V.: magnā voce confiteri: strenitus, H.—Of time, great, long, extended: annum, V.: annum, i. e. the Platonic cycle of the heavens.—Early, high, long past: iam magno natu, aged, N.: magno natu non sufficientibus viribus, through old age, L.: maximo natu filius, N.: maior patria, original, Cu.—Of persons, aged, old, advanced ; only in comp. and sup, elder, eldest: omnes maiores natu, elders, Cs.: maior natu quam Plautus: frater suus maior natu, elder, L.: maximus natu ex iis, the oldest, L.: ex duobus filiis maior, Cs.: Maior Neronum, the elder, H.: (homo) annos natus maior quadraginta, more than forty years old: annos natast sedecim, non maior, T.: non maior annis quinquaginta, L.— Plur m. as subst: maiores, the fathers, ancestors, ancients, men of old: maiores vestri: nostri: more maiorum.—Fig., great, noble, grand, mighty, important, weighty, momentous: rebus maximis gestis: missi magnis de rebus, important business, H.: in agro maiora opera: causa, weighty: omen, significant, V.: spectaculum, impressive, H.: aliquid invadere magnum, enterprise, V.: haud magna memoratu res est, L.—As subst n.: id magnum est, a great thing: magna di curant, parva neglegunt: maiora audere, V.: ad maiora properat oratio: magnum loqui, loftily, H.: Omnia magna loquens, of everything magnificent, H.—Of rank or station, great, high, eminent, powerful: potestas: dignitas: di, Enn. ap. C.: rex Olympi, V.: maximus Ilioneus, V.: maiorum ne quis amicus, one of your great friends, H.: Iuppiter optimus maximus: pontifex maximus, chief: maioribus uti, associate with superiors, H.—Of mind or character, great, elevated, noble, lofty: vir acris animi magnique: magno animo est: vir magnus: Cato magnus habetur, S.: magnus hoc bello Themistocles fuit, N.: invidiā maior, above, H.: maior reprensis, greater than those criticised, H.: nebulo, thorough-paced, T.: fur. —In force or degree, great, severe, strong, intense: morbi: dolor, Cs.: minae: amor, V.: gemitus luctusque: quid potuere maius? more heinous, H.: Mari virtutem in maius celebrare, magnify, S.: his in maius etiam acceptis, L.: incerta in maius vero ferri solent, be exaggerated, L.— Proud, boastful, lofty, assuming: nobis ut res dant sese, ita magni atque humiles sumus, T.: lingua, H.: verba, V.

    Latin-English dictionary > māximus

  • 14 cuantía

    1 quantity, total sum, magnitude.
    2 importance.
    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: cuantiar.
    2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: cuantiar.
    * * *
    1 (cantidad) quantity; (importe) amount
    2 (dimensión) extent
    de menor cuantía insignificant, lesser
    * * *
    1) (=cantidad)
    a) (=importe) quantity, amount

    ¿cómo se calcula la cuantía de la pensión? — how is the amount o level of pension calculated?

    b) (=alcance) extent
    2) (=importancia) importance

    de mayor cuantía — more important, more significant

    de menor cuantía, de poca cuantía — unimportant, of little account

    * * *
    a) ( importe)

    una cuantía mínima de 20.000 euros — a minimum (amount) of 20,000 euros

    b) ( importancia) significance, importance

    de menor cuantía — unimportant, insignificant

    c) (Der) claim, sum claimed
    * * *
    = magnitude, total, count.
    Ex. Only those who have attempted to edit the proceedings of a conference can appreciate the magnitude and scope of such an enterprise.
    Ex. Someone must read a total on the card, so that the machine can add its computed item to it.
    Ex. Not much data beyond loan counts was available and re-keying and remanipulations were frequently needed to make the information useful.
    * * *
    a) ( importe)

    una cuantía mínima de 20.000 euros — a minimum (amount) of 20,000 euros

    b) ( importancia) significance, importance

    de menor cuantía — unimportant, insignificant

    c) (Der) claim, sum claimed
    * * *
    = magnitude, total, count.

    Ex: Only those who have attempted to edit the proceedings of a conference can appreciate the magnitude and scope of such an enterprise.

    Ex: Someone must read a total on the card, so that the machine can add its computed item to it.
    Ex: Not much data beyond loan counts was available and re-keying and remanipulations were frequently needed to make the information useful.

    * * *
    (importe): la rebaja de las cuantías de las pensiones the reduction in the level of pensions
    se desconoce la cuantía de los daños materiales the extent of the damage is not known
    una cuantía mínima de 50.000 euros mensuales a minimum (amount) of 50,000 euros a month
    la cuantía de la deuda asciende a miles de dólares the total of the debt amounts to thousands of dollars
    un aumento de la cuantía de las becas an increase in the size of grants
    2 (importancia) significance, importance
    un asunto de mayor cuantía a matter of major significance o importance, a highly significant o an extremely important matter
    un funcionario de escasa cuantía an insignificant civil servant
    de menor cuantía unimportant, insignificant
    3 ( Der) claim, sum o amount claimed
    * * *

    cuantía sustantivo femenino amount: se desconoce la cuantía de lo sustraído, the amount stolen is not known
    ' cuantía' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    1. [suma] amount, quantity;
    todavía no se conoce la cuantía de los daños causados por el terremoto the final cost of the damage caused by the earthquake is not yet known;
    van a conceder una ayuda de una cuantía sin precisar todavía they are going to grant an as yet unspecified amount of aid;
    recibió la cuantía íntegra del premio he received the full amount of the prize money;
    va a subir la cuantía del subsidio de desempleo unemployment benefit is set to rise
    2. [alcance] extent;
    ése es un problema de menor cuantía that is a relatively insignificant o minor problem
    3. Der claim, amount claimed
    * * *
    f amount, quantity; fig
    * * *
    1) : quantity, extent
    2) : significance, import

    Spanish-English dictionary > cuantía

  • 15 Lesseps, Ferdinand de

    SUBJECT AREA: Canals
    b. 19 November 1805 Versailles, France
    d. 7 December 1894 La Chesnaye, near Paris, France
    French diplomat and canal entrepreneur.
    Ferdinand de Lesseps was born into a family in the diplomatic service and it was intended that his should be his career also. He was educated at the Lycée Napoléon in Paris. In 1825, aged 20, he was appointed an attaché to the French consulate in Lisbon. In 1828 he went to the Consulate-General in Tunis and in 1831 was posted from there to Egypt, becoming French Consul in Cairo two years later. For his work there during the plague in 1836 he was awarded the Croix de Chevalier in the Légion d'honneur. During this time he became very friendly with Said Mohammed and the friendship was maintained over the years, although there were no expectations then that Said would occupy any great position of authority.
    De Lesseps then served in other countries. In 1841 he had thought about a canal from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea, and he brooded over the idea until 1854. In October of that year, having retired from the diplomatic service, he returned to Egypt privately. His friend Said became Viceroy and he readily agreed to the proposal to cut the canal. At first there was great international opposition to the idea, and in 1855 de Lesseps travelled to England to try to raise capital. Work finally started in 1859, but there were further delays following the death of Said Pasha in 1863. The work was completed in 1869 and the canal was formally opened by the Empress Eugenic on 20 November 1869. De Lesseps was fêted in France and awarded the Grand Croix de la Légion d'honneur.
    He subsequently promoted the project of the Corinth Canal, but his great ambition in his later years was to construct a canal across the Isthmus of Panama. This idea had been conceived by Spanish adventurers in 1514, but everyone felt the problems and cost would be too great. De Lesseps, riding high in popularity and with his charismatic character, convinced the public of the scheme's feasibility and was able to raise vast sums for the enterprise. He proposed a sea-level canal, which required the excavation of a 350 ft (107 m) cut through terrain; this eventually proved impossible, but work nevertheless started in 1881.
    In 1882 de Lesseps became first President d'-Honneur of the Syndicat des Entrepreneurs de Travaux Publics de France and was elected to the Chair of the French Academy in 1884. By 1891 the Panama Canal was in a disastrous financial crisis: a new company was formed, and because of the vast sums expended a financial investigation was made. The report led to de Lesseps, his son and several high-ranking government ministers and officials being charged with bribery and corruption, but de Lesseps was a very sick man and never appeared at the trial. He was never convicted, although others were, and he died soon after, at the age of 89, at his home.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Croix de Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur 1836; Grand Croix 1869.
    Further Reading
    John S.Pudney, 1968, Suez. De Lesseps' Canal, London: Dent.
    John Marlowe, 1964, The Making of the Suez Canal, London: Cresset.

    Biographical history of technology > Lesseps, Ferdinand de

  • 16 Paxton, Sir Joseph

    b. 3 August 1801 Milton Bryant, Bedfordshire, England
    d. 8 June 1865 Sydenham, London, England
    English designer of the Crystal Palace, the first large-scale prefabricated ferrovitreous structure.
    The son of a farmer, he had worked in gardens since boyhood and at the age of 21 was employed as Undergardener at the Horticultural Society Gardens in Chiswick, from where he went on to become Head Gardener for the Duke of Devonshire at Chatsworth. It was there that he developed his methods of glasshouse construction, culminating in the Great Conservatory of 1836–40, an immense structure some 277 ft (84.4 m) long, 123 ft (37.5 m) wide and 67 ft (20.4 m) high. Its framework was of iron and its roof of glass, with wood to contain the glass panels; it is now demolished. Paxton went on to landscape garden design, fountain and waterway engineering, the laying out of the model village of Edensor, and to play a part in railway and country house projects.
    The structure that made Paxton a household name was erected in Hyde Park, London, to house the Great Exhibition of 1851 and was aptly dubbed, by Punch, the Crystal Palace. The idea of holding an international exhibition for industry had been mooted in 1849 and was backed by Prince Albert and Henry Cole. The money for this was to be raised by public subscription and 245 designs were entered into a competition held in 1850; however, most of the concepts, received from many notable architects and engineers, were very costly and unsuitable, and none were accepted. That same year, Paxton published his scheme in the Illustrated London News and it was approved after it received over-whelming public support.
    Paxton's Crystal Palace, designed and erected in association with the engineers Fox and Henderson, was a prefabricated glasshouse of vast dimensions: it was 1,848 ft (563.3 m) long, 408 ft (124.4 m) wide and over 100 ft (30.5 m) high. It contained 3,300 iron columns, 2,150 girders. 24 miles (39 km) of guttering, 600,000 ft3 (17,000 m3) of timber and 900,000 ft2 (84,000 m) of sheet glass made by Chance Bros, of Birmingham. One of the chief reasons why it was accepted by the Royal Commission Committee was that it fulfilled the competition proviso that it should be capable of being erected quickly and subsequently dismantled and re-erected elsewhere. The Crystal Palace was to be erected at a cost of £79,800, much less than the other designs. Building began on 30 July 1850, with a labour force of some 2,000, and was completed on 31 March 1851. It was a landmark in construction at the time, for its size, speed of construction and its non-eclectic design, and, most of all, as the first great prefabricated building: parts were standardized and made in quantity, and were assembled on site. The exhibition was opened by Queen Victoria on 1 May 1851 and had received six million visitors when it closed on 11 October. The building was dismantled in 1852 and reassembled, with variations in design, at Sydenham in south London, where it remained until its spectacular conflagration in 1936.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Knighted 1851. MP for Coventry 1854–65. Fellow Linnaean Society 1853; Horticultural Society 1826. Order of St Vladimir, Russia, 1844.
    Further Reading
    P.Beaver, 1986, The Crystal Palace: A Portrait of Victorian Enterprise, Phillimore. George F.Chadwick, 1961, Works of Sir Joseph Paxton 1803–1865, Architectural Press.

    Biographical history of technology > Paxton, Sir Joseph

  • 17 maggiore

    1. adj bigger
    ( più vecchio) older
    music major
    il maggiore the biggest
    figlio the oldest
    artista the greatest
    azionista the major, the largest
    la maggior parte del tempo/di noi most of the time/of us, the majority of the time/of us
    andare per la maggiore be a crowd pleaser
    2. m military major
    * * *
    maggiore agg.compar.
    1 (in senso astratto) greater; (più grosso) larger, bigger; (più ampio) wider; (più alto) higher, taller; (più lungo) longer: una quantità maggiore, a greater quantity; una somma maggiore, a bigger (o larger) amount; con maggior cura, with greater care; occorre uno spazio maggiore, a larger (o bigger o wider) space is needed; il costo risultò molto maggiore del preventivo, the cost turned out to be much higher than the estimate; l'affluenza alle urne è stata maggiore nel nord che nel sud, the turnout at the polls was higher in the north than in the south; una distanza maggiore, a longer distance; il lato maggiore dell'edificio è ornato da colonne, the longer side of the building is decorated with columns // otto è maggiore di cinque, eight is more than five // per maggiori dettagli, for further details // onde evitare danni maggiori, to avoid greater (o heavier) damage // avere maggiori probabilità di riuscita, to stand a better chance of success // dare maggiore importanza a qlco., to give more importance to sthg. // a maggior ragione, all the more reason // per causa di forza maggiore, for reasons beyond one's control; (dir.) act of God // altare maggiore, high (o main) altar // Lago Maggiore, Lake Maggiore // San Domenico Maggiore, St. Dominic the Greater // (eccl.) ordini maggiori, higher orders // (astr.) Orsa Maggiore, the Great Bear
    2 (più importante) major, more important: le opere maggiori del Leopardi, Leopardi's major works; i personaggi maggiori del romanzo, the major characters in the novel; arti maggiori, major arts; astri maggiori, major stars
    3 (più anziano) older; (di fratelli o figli) elder: Carlo è maggiore di Mario, Charles is older than Mario; lei è maggiore di me di 2 anni, she is 2 years older than me; mio figlio maggiore, my elder son; chi dei due è il maggiore?, which one is the elder? // raggiungere la maggiore età, to come of age // Scipione il Maggiore, Scipio the Elder
    ◆ agg.superl.rel.
    1 (in senso astratto) the greatest; (il più grosso) the largest, the biggest; (il più ampio) the widest; (il più alto) the highest, the tallest; (il più lungo) the longest: Dante è il maggiore poeta italiano, Dante is the greatest Italian poet; uno dei maggiori filosofi dell'antichità, one of the greatest philosophers of ancient times; i maggiori esponenti del Romanticismo, the greatest exponents of Romanticism; il suo maggiore difetto è la pigrizia, laziness is his greatest failing; superare le maggiori difficoltà, to overcome the greatest difficulties; trattare con la maggior cura possibile, to handle with the greatest possible care; vendere al prezzo maggiore, to sell at the highest price; il maggiore offerente, the highest bidder; il programma televisivo con il maggiore indice di ascolto, the TV programme with the highest audience ratings; il Po è il maggiore fiume italiano, the Po is the longest river in Italy // la maggior parte, most; (la maggioranza) the majority: la maggior parte degli italiani va in vacanza in agosto, most Italians go on holiday in August; la maggior parte dei presenti votò contro la proposta, most of those presents voted against the proposal; i turisti erano per la maggior parte tedeschi, most of the tourists were German; la maggior parte della gente crede che..., most people think that...; passa la maggior parte del suo tempo in ufficio, he spends most of his time at the office; la maggior parte di noi la pensava diversamente, most of us thought differently; Rotterdam è uno dei maggiori porti del mondo, Rotterdam is one of the busiest ports in the world // la cattedrale ha subito i danni maggiori, the worst (o heaviest) damage was to the cathedral // andare per la maggiore, to be very popular (o to be in)
    2 (il più importante) major, main, leading: i nostri maggiori concorrenti sono i giapponesi, our major (o main) competitors are the Japanese; Milano e Torino sono i maggiori centri industriali d'Italia, Milan and Turin are Italy's major (o main) industrial centres; i maggiori rappresentanti del partito, the party's leading representatives; uno dei maggiori stilisti, one of the leading designers; il Canada è il maggior produttore di grano nel mondo, Canada is the world's leading wheat producer
    3 (il più anziano) oldest; (di fratelli o figli) the eldest: Giorgio è il maggiore dei fratelli, George is the eldest brother; il maggiore dei miei figli, il mio figlio maggiore, my eldest son; chi è il maggiore dei tre?, which of the three is the eldest? ∙ Come si nota dagli esempi, questo agg. è espresso in ingl. in modi diversi a seconda del significato assunto dall'agg. positivo grande // (econ.) i soci maggiori di una società, the senior partners of a company; i maggiori azionisti di un'impresa, the main shareholders of an enterprise; i maggiori dirigenti di un'azienda, the chief executives of a company.
    maggiore s.m. e f.
    1 (chi è più anziano d'età) the oldest; (di fratelli o figli) the eldest: il maggiore dei tre fratelli lavora negli Stati Uniti, the eldest of the three brothers works in the United States
    2 (chi è di grado superiore) senior
    3 (dir.) maggiorenne
    4 (mil.) major: maggiore generale, major general.
    * * *
    1. agg comp di grande
    1) (più grande) bigger, larger, (di quantità) greater

    con maggiore entusiasmowith more o greater enthusiasm

    3) (più anziano: sorella, fratello) elder, older

    (di grado) sergente maggiore — sergeant major

    5) Mus major
    2. agg superl di grande
    (vedi grande), biggest, largest; greatest; most important; eldest, oldest

    la maggior parte della gente — most people, the majority (of people)

    andare per la maggiore(cantante, attore ecc) to be very popular, be "in"

    3. sm/f
    1) (grado) Mil major, Aer squadron leader
    2) (d'età: tra due) older, elder, (tra più di due) oldest, eldest
    * * *
    [mad'dʒore] 1.
    1) (più grande) (comparativo) bigger, greater (di than); (superlativo) biggest, greatest (di of, in)

    per -i informazioni... — for further information...

    x è maggiore o uguale a ymat. x is greater than or equal to y

    2) (più lungo) (comparativo) longer (di than); (superlativo) longest (di of)

    sergente maggiorestaff o master AE sergeant

    5) mus. major

    mio fratello maggiore — my elder brother; (con più di due fratelli) my eldest brother

    maggiore età — majority, legal o voting age

    raggiungere la maggiore età — to come of age, to reach one's majority

    la maggior parte di... — most (of)...

    come la maggior parte di voi sa... — as most of you know...

    per la maggior parte — for the most part, mostly, mainly

    sostantivo maschile e sostantivo femminile (il più anziano) oldest; (tra due consanguinei) elder; (tra più consanguinei) eldest
    sostantivo maschile mil. major
    * * *
     1 (più grande) (comparativo) bigger, greater (di than); (superlativo) biggest, greatest (di of, in); una somma maggiore del previsto a larger sum than expected; per -i informazioni... for further information...; x è maggiore o uguale a y mat. x is greater than or equal to y
     2 (più lungo) (comparativo) longer (di than); (superlativo) longest (di of); il lato maggiore di un poligono the longest side of a polygon
     3 (più importante) il maggior produttore di vino del mondo the world's largest o leading wine producer; i -i poeti italiani the greatest Italian poets
     4 (di grado superiore) sergente maggiore staff o master AE sergeant
     5 mus. major; re maggiore D major
     6 (di età) (comparativo) older; (superlativo) oldest; (tra due persone) older; (tra due consanguinei) elder; (tra più consanguinei) eldest; mio fratello maggiore my elder brother; (con più di due fratelli) my eldest brother; maggiore età majority, legal o voting age; raggiungere la maggiore età to come of age, to reach one's majority
     7 maggior parte la maggior parte di... most (of)...; la maggior parte delle persone most people; come la maggior parte di voi sa... as most of you know...; per la maggior parte for the most part, mostly, mainly
    II m. e f.
    III sostantivo m.
     12 mil. major
    andare per la maggiore to be trendy; per cause di forza maggiore due to circumstances beyond our control; a maggior ragione all the more reason.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > maggiore

  • 18 zrównoważ|yć

    pf — zrównoważ|ać impf vt 1. (zniwelować) to counteract; (dać przeciwwagę) to (counter)balance, to offset
    - zrównoważyć straty/czyjąś przewagę to offset losses/sb’s advantage
    - słowa krytyki zrównoważone pochwałami words of criticism tempered with praise
    - zrównoważyć wysokie ciśnienie/negatywne skutki to counteract high blood pressure/the negative effects
    - podwyżkę cen zrównoważono wzrostem płac the price increases were offset by a pay rise
    - korzyści muszą zrównoważyć koszt przedsięwzięcia the profits must offset the cost of the enterprise
    2. Księg. to balance
    - zrównoważyć budżet to balance the budget
    zrównoważyć sięzrównoważać się (być w równowadze) to balance (out)
    - popyt i podaż się zrównoważyły supply and demand have balanced out
    - siły/tendencje wzajemnie się zrównoważyły the forces/tendencies balanced each other out

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > zrównoważ|yć

См. также в других словарях:

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